The proceeding of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) is proceeding managed by the Research and Community Service Institute, Universitas Serambi Mekkah. This Proceedings is published twice issue a year and contains articles from various scientific fields that have been presented at the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR). This conference is an annual program of the Research and Community Service Institute, Universitas  Serambi Mekkah.

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2025): ICMR

Published: 2025-01-22

Product Development Strategy for Kue Bhoi Mini: Improving Production Efficiency and Profitability in Aceh Besar

Badriyatun Nufus, Maryam, Cut Rusmina, Nur Ramisah, Ulya Adaila, Riko Agustian, Subhan A. Bakar


Network Performance Analysis and DoS Attack Mitigation Strategy on MikroTik Router for Optimal Stability

Yeni Yanti, Taufik Hidayat, Geubrina Mahgfira, Nurhanif, Putri Nuri Pratama, Nadiatul Safana


Analysis of Grashof Number in Large-Scale Passive Cooling Systems Based on Temperature Changes

Andrea Shevaladze, Deendarlianto, Esa Putra, Putut Heri Setiawan, Hyundianto Arif Gunawan, Mulya Juarsa


Development Constraints the Spirit of Tourism Business on Pulo Nasi Pulo Aceh

Rizka, Anwar, Nasir, Abubakar, Septian Fatianda, T. Makmur, Rahmatina, Syahry Ayyu


The Influence of "Mobile Legends" Game on the Vocabulary Acquisition of Serambi Mekkah University’s Students

Alifah Alyana, Sabrina, Amelia Citra, Nurtiani Berutu, Sovia Muziatun Nahria


Experimental Study of Natural Circulation Based on Thermal Effect during Steady-State Condition

Muhammad Ganjar Putra, Deendarlianto, Ryan Oktaviandi, Andrea Shevaladze, Adhika Enggar Pamungkas, Putut Hery Setiawan, Arif Adtyas Budiman, Dedy Haryanto, Fadhil Fuad Rachman, Mulya Juarsa


Teaching Writing Skills by Using ChatGPT

Muhammad Usman, Nidar Yusuf, Nina Nirmala


The Role of Entrepreneurship in Advancing the Acehnese Traditional Cake Industry for Long-Term Profitability

Rizki Alhulaimi, Syaifuddin Yana, Mahdi, Maksalmina, Rian Maulana Akbar, Hafiz, Suci Mauliani, Ulan Arsah Nelia


Effect of Titanium Filler in Composite Conductivity with Different Binder

Mohd Suri Saringat, Muhammad Hafiz Kamarudin, Hairman Omar


Collaboration of Design and Purwosari Tourism Village Creating a Sustainable Future for Destination Brands

Raden Hadapiningrani Kusumohendrarto, Nofria Doni Fitri, Mohammad Danang Syamsi


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Journal Title   :    Proceeding of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research
ISSN   :    2808-6929 (online)
DOI Prefix   :    10.32672 by Crossref
Publisher   :    Universitas Serambi Mekkah
Country   :    Indonesia
Frequency   :    2 Issues per year
Indexed   :    Google Scholar


The proceeding of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR) is proceeding managed by the Research and Community Service Institute, Universitas Serambi Mekkah. This Proceedings is published once a year and contains articles from various scientific fields that have been presented at the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR).