Analisis Perencanaan PLTS Atap di Gedung H Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan
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Solar Power Plants (PLTS) are one of the new and renewable energy generation systems (EBT) that are quite promising in the future. In this research, the analysis process for planning a PLTS system as a source of electrical energy in a building is presented. The planned PLTS system will be used to supply the power needs of building H. The power supply capacity is only 60% at the Panca Budi Development University in Medan, but in this case solar panels have been added. The results of the study showed that the PLTS is an off-grid type with the main component specifications needed to supply power to the building, namely 151 solar panels with a capacity of 100 WP, a 46,000 W inverter, and 80 12V 100 Ah Lithium-ion batteries.
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