Study of the Function of City Parks as Public Open Space in Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh
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Parks are part of green open spaces (RTH) and public non-green open spaces (RTNH), which are used for various activities such as recreation, education and sports. Meuraxa sub-district has a public green space area of 11,442 ha with types of parks, greenways, green belts and cemeteries under the maintenance and management of Banda Aceh City Government [1]. Green spaces in Meuraxa sub-district are currently used for recreation, education, sports and various social interaction activities. This research was conducted to identify the function of Meuraxa Sub-district Park based on its characteristics and community perceptions regarding the existing park functions. The analysis in this study used scoring method, descriptive statistical method and descriptive method. The sampling method used in this research is non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling type with a total sample of 100 respondents. This research has assessed the overall condition of the park which shows a fairly good level of optimality. Some key indicators such as cleanliness, availability of facilities and visitor comfort have met the expected standards. The results of the surveys and observations show that the park has become a place of interest and is frequently visited by the community. However, some parks in the study sites still do not meet the appropriate standards and their use is not optimal in environmental, social, aesthetic and economic terms.
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