Serambi Engineering2024-07-25T12:54:39+07:00Muhammad Journal Systems<p>The journal Serambi Engineering (JSE) was published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Banda Aceh, with the first issue Vol. 1 No. August 1 - December 2016. Editorial receives of scientific article submissions from academics and practitioners either from Universitas Serambi Mekkah or external Universitas Serambi Mekkah. JSE has e-ISSN : <a href="">2528-3561</a> and p-ISSN : <a href="">2541-1934</a>. </p> Keberlanjutan Tempat Pengolahan Sampah 3R Cipacing Resik dengan Metode Multidimensional Scaling2024-05-21T09:24:38+07:00I Made Wahyu Widyarsanaimww.research@gmail.comPlucheria Pritta Rara Mega Dwi<p>Cipacing village is one of the villages where TPS 3R was developed by the West Java Regional Settlement Infrastructure Agency to address the village's waste problems. Over time, TPS 3R Cipacing Resik has faced several waste challenges that could threaten the sustainability of the infrastructure. Research was conducted to assess the sustainability of TPS 3R based on five aspects: regulatory, institutional, financial, community participation and operational technical aspects. Questionnaires were distributed to 30 respondents using a purposive sampling technique and then analysed using the RAPFISH technique. The results of the study indicate that the sustainability index value of TPS 3R Cipacing Resik is 94.99, which is classified as sustainable. However, efforts are needed to improve the financial dimension. As a follow-up to the results of the sustainability assessment, WTP and ATP analyses were conducted on the beneficiaries of the 3R TPS to assess the respondents' willingness to pay for improved waste management services using the CVM. The analysis results showed that the respondents have an EWTP value of IDR 28,500.00/month, a TWTP value of IDR 4,788,000.00/month and an ATP value of IDR 13,300.00/month. This means that the willingness to pay of the community beneficiaries of TPS 3R Cipacing Resik is higher than their ability to pay for waste management services. In addition, the statistical analysis also showed that income factors influence the community's WTP value.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Wahyu Widyarsana, Plucheria Pritta Aquila, Reslisari Rara Massora, Tanjung Mega Dwi Puspita Unit Filtrasi IPAM Ngagel II Surabaya2024-05-22T21:46:43+07:00Siti Kayyisa Nakhwa Hendriyanto<p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">IPAM Ngagel II Surabaya is one of the drinking water treatment plants managed by PDAM Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya, which was established in 1959 with a production capacity of 1000L/second. At IPAM Ngagel II, there are several treatment units consisting of intake, pre-sedimentation, accelerator, filtration and disinfection. The aim of this research is to evaluate the filtration unit as an optimisation effort to increase production capacity. The research was carried out by analysing the filtration performance to see the efficiency of removing turbidity and organic matter. The existing condition of the filtration unit was then compared with standard filtration unit design criteria. Water samples were taken in the morning for 20 days by testing the quality of the raw water and the effluent at the pre-sedimentation, accelerator and filtration treatment units. Based on the analysis results, the turbidity removal efficiency is more than 70% on average, while the organic matter removal efficiency is less than 20% on average. The way to optimise the filtration unit is not to change the condition of the existing unit, as the quality of the produced water still meets the standards, but it is necessary to check the height of the filter media and to replace single media with double media.</span></span></p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Kayyisa Nakhwa Endjani, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho Sampah Dan Kualitas Air Lindi Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Winongo2024-06-09T14:16:30+07:00Pratama Restu Aji Kokoh Haryo<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Waste generation and management is an important aspect of human life, with various types of waste being generated on a daily basis. In Madiun City, waste is managed from source to disposal at the Winongo landfill. However, the landfill faces challenges due to the high daily waste production of over 100 tonnes of both organic and inorganic waste. This high waste production causes problems such as leachate pollution, where the quality of the waste greatly affects the quality of the leachate. This study focuses on the effect of waste composition on the quality of leachate at the Winongo Landfill in Madiun City, using primary data from the East Java Environmental Agency in 2023. Laboratory results show that leachate parameters such as COD, BOD, TSS, pH and total N exceed regulatory standards due to the dominance of organic waste in the landfill. Therefore, treatment methods using pond systems are recommended in order to meet acceptable discharge standards and protect the environment. This research highlights the importance of understanding the relationship between waste composition and leachate quality for effective waste management and environmental protection.</span></p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pratama Restu Aji Pratama, Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro Daya Dukung Sumber Daya Air DAS Kahayan2024-06-18T10:14:08+07:00Christian Aditiya Nugraha Putratekniksipil.christianaditiyanp@gmail.comNomeritae1@gmail.comRaden Haryo<p>A river basin, which is a unit of rivers and tributaries, has the hydrological functions of a watershed to drain water, support peak rainfall events, release water gradually, and maintain water quality and quantity. Over time, increasing population growth and relatively rapid economic growth have led to increased water demand in various sectors, both domestic and non-domestic. The focus of this research is the carrying capacity of water resources in 8 sub-districts in the Kahayan watershed, Central Kalimantan Province, consisting of the sub-districts of Banama Tingang, Kahayan Tengah, Jabiren Raya, Rakumpit, Bukit Batu, Jekan Raya, Pahandut and Sebangau. The aim of this study is to compare the potential water availability and demand, and the status of the carrying capacity of water resources in each sub-district. Water availability calculations were simulated based on rainfall and climate data using the F.J. Mock method, while water demand was calculated based on different types of water demand. An analysis of the carrying capacity of water resources in the Kahayan catchment was calculated based on a comparison of potential water availability Q mainstay with water demand. The total water availability in 2027 would be 4,972,375,728 m3/year compared to a total water demand of 587,180,300,648 m3/year and the total water availability in 2032 would be 4,972,375,728 m3/year compared to a total water demand of 588,020,671,827 m3/year. A comparison of total water availability and total water demand in 2027 and 2032 shows that the carrying capacity of water resources in the Kahayan Basin would be in surplus status.</p>2024-06-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Aditiya Nugraha Putra, Nomeritae, Raden Haryo Saputra Roda Gigi Miring Pada Transfer Case Jimmy2024-07-02T00:10:04+07:00M. Alfi<p>The design of the bevel gear in the Suzuki Jimny transfer case is a crucial part of developing the transmission system for this vehicle. The bevel gear is responsible for transferring motion and torque between the pinion and the drive gear, ensuring efficient power delivery and high reliability under various operating conditions. The design process includes the selection of the gear module, the number of teeth and critical angles such as the pressure angle and bevel angle, all of which affect the performance and strength of the gear. The selection of the right materials is also an important consideration to achieve optimum levels of strength and durability. By integrating technology and advanced design methodology, the design of the bevel gear in the Suzuki Jimny transfer case not only guarantees high performance, but also takes into account aspects of efficiency and durability in the use of materials and energy. The results of this design are expected to improve the overall performance of the Suzuki Jimny transfer case, make an important contribution to the development of automotive technology, and form the basis for further research in this field of the design and manufacture of precision engine components.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 M. Alfi Nugraha, Kardiman, Oleh Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Pada Kantor Pusat PT X2024-07-09T11:43:52+07:00Nanda<p>The occurrence of work accidents is of course not expected by everyone because in addition to harming themselves it can also harm the company, the need for regulations governing safety and health at work, with the regulations expected office workers will be safe and comfortable in carrying out their work. The regulations that have been issued should indeed be implemented by workers. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of OHS at the Head Office of Company X and to find out the efforts of Company X in preventing potential work accidents. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method by collecting data through observation and analysis of documents related to OHS Office. The results showed that the implementation of OSH at company X was in accordance with the standards of Permenkes RI Number 48 of 2016 as evidenced by the existence of fire extinguishers, evacuation route instructions and the use of work tools such as tables and chairs that were appropriate. The efforts of the company's head office in preventing work accidents by applying the zero accident principle are expected to reduce the number of work accidents.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nanda Iswara, Nadia Amanah Feed Rate Terhadap Uji Kekerasan, Uji Tarik dan Mikro Struktur Pada Alumunium 6061 dengan Metode Friction Stir Welding2024-07-11T15:19:16+07:00Daffa Aulian Rahmatdaffaaulian25@gmail.comViktor<p>This research investigates the effect of feed rate on the mechanical and structural properties of friction stir welding (FSW) of aluminium 6061. This method is important because FSW is an environmentally friendly and energy efficient welding technique for applications on aluminium materials and its alloys. The feed rates used are 60 mm/min, 90 mm/min and 120 mm/min. Hardness, tensile and microstructure tests are carried out to understand how feed rate affects material properties. The hardness value of the material also shows a trend that is in line with the tensile strength, with variations in the feed rate parameter having a significant effect on the hardness in the weld metal area, the heat affected zone (HAZ) and the base metal.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Daffa Aulian Rahmat, Viktor Naubnome Rancangan Panel Automatic Transfer Switch and Automatic Main Failure2024-07-17T13:52:26+07:00Irfan Wahyu Setiawan1@gmail.comSisdarmanto<p>In 2022, electricity consumption in Indonesia will increase significantly, especially in the industrial sector, which is the second largest consumer after households. Interruptions in PLN's power supply can cause industrial equipment and machinery to stop working, resulting in significant losses for the industrial sector. The limitations of manual transfer of backup power sources also contribute to this problem. Therefore, this research aims to develop an automatic control system for a genset. With this approach, it is expected that the power supply can be maintained without interruption, thereby improving efficiency and operational performance. The design integrates an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) system within a single panel framework, following the regulations outlined in Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 11 and Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik Indonesia. The panel design includes technical data identification, circuit design, circuit simulation, component selection, panel box design and final evaluation. Simulations using FluidSIM software help to validate the operation of the panel in various scenarios. The test results conclude that the panel can function as intended, with automatic control of the genset protection system and automatic switching of the power supply to the load. Manual control is also possible to assist operators during genset maintenance and repair.</p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Irfan Wahyu Ramadhan, Hendra Setiawan, Sisdarmanto Adinandra Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak Fasilitas Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pada Area Produksi (Studi Kasus: PT. XYZ)2024-05-07T17:12:50+07:00Bima Maulana maulanabima07@gmail.comSiti<p>PT. XYZ is a company operating in the printing sector. The main function of the company is to print various official documents such as diplomas, permits and others. The company is also involved in the publication of books and other public prints. The problem here is the layout of the production facility, which does not take into account the proximity between the departments of the workplace, resulting in distant material movements as well as increased material handling costs. The aim of this research is to redesign the new layout of the production facility to improve material handling efficiency and reduce transport costs. The method used in this design is Systematic Layout Planning, which analyses the degree of proximity between departments using Activity Relationship Chart and Activity Relationship Diagram techniques to describe the departmental layout relative to each other. The results obtained in this research were to reduce the material transportation distance by 1,391,409 cm/month or equivalent of 32.88%, and to reduce the transportation time by 10,013.82 seconds/month or equivalent of 34.85%, as well as to reduce the material handling cost by Rp. 142,247/month or equivalent of 32.57%.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bima Maulana , Siti Mundari dan Pemilihan Desain Alternatif Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Tahu-Tempe2024-05-28T15:53:25+07:00Sona Putri Khairunnissa Nur Masrifatus<p>The processing of tofu and tempeh produces solid waste and wastewater. Tofu and tempeh wastewater with high organic content must be treated to prevent environmental pollution. Therefore, the tempeh and tofu industry centre in East Kalimantan developed a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to treat the wastewater. However, the quality of the effluent still did not meet wastewater quality standards. In addition, the production of tofu and tempeh is increasing every year, so the amount of wastewater is also increasing. This study aims to evaluate and select alternative WWTP designs for tofu and tempeh wastewater. The WWTP design uses an anaerobic digester for wastewater treatment and combines it with three alternative aerobic treatments, including aerobic treatment, wetland and aerated lagoon. The design selection is based on removal efficiency, land area, and operating and construction costs using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method. Based on AHP, the selected design was the WWTP of the second alternative with wetlands. The selected design had a bar screen, an equalisation tank, an anaerobic digester and a wetland. This selected design had a BOD removal efficiency of 96%, COD of 92%, TSS of 88% and a land area of 12,524.20 m2 with a construction cost of IDR 4,330,301,632 and an operating cost of IDR 179,664,945.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sona Putri Siswoyo, Ismi Khairunnissa Ariani, Basransyah, Bayu Nur Abdallah, Eka Masrifatus Anifah Tata Letak Gudang Finish Good pada Perusahaan Komponen Otomotif2024-06-12T13:34:12+07:00Febriza Dwi Febriyantorahmatdwi140202@gmail.comFredy Sumastof-sumasto@kemenperin.go.idEmi Rusmiatiemirtegal@yahoo.comIndra Rizki Gusti<p>PT HMG is a manufacturing company that uses injection moulding machines to produce plastic components for the electronics, automotive and engineering industries. The problems found at PT HMG are that the finished goods are not placed in an orderly manner or that the goods are not neatly arranged. The placement of these goods is still mixed with goods that have run out, so the process of moving goods is not optimal and the risk of picking inappropriate goods is higher. This has an impact on delivery errors and the sub-optimal process of moving goods can cause delays in delivery to the customer. Dedicated storage is a layout design method for storing goods where the storage location is fixed. This method uses throughput as a reference when positioning goods so that goods with a high flow of movement are prioritised to minimise the time it takes to move goods to I/O points. The difference in the total distance to the I/O point for the proposed layout is 17,809 metres, or 9% of the previous layout. With this layout improvement, the company is able to reduce the waste caused by material handling activities in the finished goods warehouse.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Febriza Imansuri, Rahmat Dwi Febriyanto, Fredy Sumasto, Emi Rusmiati, Indra Rizki Pratama, Feby Gusti Dendra Penggunaan Material Batu Dari Desa Tanjung Jariangau Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Sebagai Agregat Pada Campuran Hot Rolled Sheet- Base (Hrs-Base)2024-07-01T13:39:52+07:00Jepri KurniawanJefry309@gmail.comSalonten1@gmail.comOkta<p>The use of stone material from Tanjung Jariangau Village as an aggregate in the Hot Rolled Sheet Base (HRS-Base) mi. It is a form of optimal use of natural resources, therefore there is a need for efforts to equip natural resources around. Tanjung Jariangau Village, Mentaya Hulu District, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province has natural resources in the form of stones that have not been properly utilised. The study was conducted to analyse the use of stones from Tanjung Jariangau Village as aggregates in the Hot Rolled Sheet Base (HRS-Base) mi. It is hoped that the stone material from Tanjung Jariangau Village can provide a solution to the need for HRS base materials in Central Kalimantan, especially in the surrounding area. Research will be carried out in the laboratory, physical properties in aggregates will be eamined to the Marshall test. The calculation results from the Marshall test obtained optimum asphalt content (KAO) of 6.02%, stability of 922.284 kg, inter-aggregate voids (VMA) of 18.372%, voids in the mi (VIM) of 4.357%, voids filled with asphalt (VFA) of 78.168% and Marshall quotient (MQ) of 278.259 kg/mm.</p>2024-07-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jepri Kurniawan, Salonten, Okta Meilawati Waste with Waste : Utilization of Iron Powder for the Reduction of Chromium (Cr6+) in Metal Plating Industry Liquid<p>Metal plating industry waste is the main source of environmental pollution due to heavy metal chromium (Cr<sup>6+</sup>). The method commonly used in processing chromium metal waste (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) in industry is by means of reduction and coagulation. Chromium metal (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) is highly toxic because it is highly unstable compared to chromium (Cr<sup>3+</sup>). Therefore, chromium waste (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) must be reduced to chromium (Cr<sup>3+</sup>) before being discharged into the environment. The purpose of the study is to reduce the content of chromium ions (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) in liquid waste of the metal coating industry by the reduction and coagulation process using waste iron powder and calcium hydroxide. Liquid chromium waste (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) and iron powder waste are taken from the metal coating industry in Palur Karanganyar, Central Java. Iron waste is in the form of powder that comes from the sanding process that is no longer used. The parameters studied were the weight of iron powder, the addition of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> 2N, and the reduction time. The measurement of chrom ion levels (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) in all treatments was determined by UV-Vis Spectroscopy. The results of the study showed that the chromium level (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) of liquid waste of the metal coating industry was 749 mg/L. The optimum condition for reducing chromium (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) is to use 3 gr iron powder, 10 ml of H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> 2N, and a reduction time of 7 minutes there is a decrease in chromium (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) levels by 100% with a chromium level (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) of 0 mg/L. This result meets the Regional Regulation of Central Java Province Number 5 of 2012 concerning Liquid Wastewater Quality Standards for the Metal Plating Industry which requires a maximum chromium level (Cr<sup>6+</sup>) of 0.1 mg/L.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sunardi Potensi Kecelakaan Kerja Dengan Metode Job Safety Analysis Pada Pekerjaan Produksi Fiberglass di CV. Jaya Mandiri Sidoarjo2024-07-10T21:16:48+07:00Muhammad Rifqi Naufal1@gmail.comYayok Suryo<p>Companies as providers of various products are obliged to implement Occupational and Health guidance, this effort is made to avoid the risk of accidents and work-related illnesses. Work accidents are often related to negligence or disobedience to work safety rules by workers which is generally caused by the worker's minimal level of knowledge. This research uses observational analysis with an inductive analysis approach and data is processed using the JSA and HIRARC methods and uses observational analysis with a cross-sectional approach whose samples are production workers. The results show that there are 6 workers with low knowledge characteristics, 7 workers with medium knowledge, and 17 workers with high knowledge. In the attitude aspect, there are 4 workers with a low level, 1 worker with a medium level, and 25 workers with a high level. And in the behavioral aspect there are 6 low level workers, 1 medium level worker, and 23 high level workers. The results of the analysis of the activity of making buckets from fiberglass showed that there were 7 sources of danger including being scratched by a razor blade, slipping, being stabbed by a sharp splinter, being exposed to chemicals, the smell of chemicals, tripping while walking, being pricked by a sewing needle. From the results, 2 potential risks were obtained with low risk values, 5 potential risks with medium risk values, and 3 potential risks with high risk values.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rifqi Naufal, Yayok Suryo Purnomo Risiko Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Laboratorium Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Palangka Raya2024-07-13T14:27:57+07:00Yosepha Sindya Vionitayosephasindya1@gmail.comSubrata Aditama K.A Uda1@gmail.comVeronika Happy<p>Awareness of potential hazards is very important in order to minimise any risks and losses that may occur when applying the K3 principles in the work environment. One of the work environments that has the potential to cause work accidents and work-related diseases is the laboratory. The Civil Engineering Laboratory of Palangka Raya University does not currently have a K3 management system. It is hoped that this research can help the laboratory managers to create K3 SOPs to prevent the possibility of accidents while performing activities in the laboratory. This research aims to identify hazards, determine the level of risk and plan alternative ways to control risk in the Civil Engineering Laboratory of Palangka Raya University, namely in all practical and research activities by conducting direct observations, interviews and collecting secondary data. This analysis was conducted based on the HIRADC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Determining Control) method by identifying hazards, risk assessment, and risk control. The results of the process of hazard identification, risk assessment and planning of alternative risk controls were obtained at the Civil Computing Laboratory, Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Highway Laboratory in the following order: low risk 45.7%, 87%, 47.6% medium risk 11.4%, 13%, 30.9% high risk 42.9%, 0%, 21.5%. By controlling risks based on the risk control hierarchy of elimination, substitution, engineering, administration and personal protective equipment.</p>2024-07-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yosepha Sindya Vionita, Subrata Aditama K.A Uda, Veronika Happy Puspasari Identifikasi Dampak Lingkungan Dengan Metode Pendekatan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Pada Proses Produksi Gula2024-05-03T03:02:41+07:00Erina Ketrinerinakathr@gmail.comFirra<p>The purpose of this study is to determine and identify potential environmental pollution impacts through Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) at each stage of the cane sugar production process in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. This study uses the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach method to determine and identify the potential environmental pollution impacts that occur during the sugar production process at PT PG. Candi Baru, and to provide recommendations for improvements that can be made by PT PG. Candi Baru to reduce and mitigate the potential environmental impacts. The LCA analysis focuses on the processing of sugar cane into sugar, and the stages of the LCA consist of several processes, namely the determination of objectives and scope, Life Cycle Inventory (LCI), Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) and interpretation. The study of the LCA method requires supporting software. The results of the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) are expressed using CML-IA (Baseline 2000), which has 14 impact categories, but in this study will only focus on the 4 largest impact categories produced, indicating that the most significant potential impact in reducing environmental quality, especially air pollution. PG. Candi Baru produces types of air emissions in its production process, namely CO2, NO2 and SO2.</p>2024-06-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Erina Ketrin, Firra Rosariawari Pengaruh Volume Kendaraan Terhadap Kualitas Udara di Jalan Pamularsih Semarang2024-05-14T14:56:22+07:00Kamal Rijal Jata Angghita1@gmail.comR. Clarrino<p>Pamularsih Street is an alternative road that people use to get to the centre of Semarang City. Pamularsih Street, section KLB 1 - KLB 1+200, is the centre of community activities such as offices, education, commercial and residential areas. Community activities on the highway have the potential to cause air pollution. This research aims to find out whether the volume of vehicles can affect the air quality on Pamularsih Street. The purposive sampling method was used to determine the data collection point, namely the middle of the section KLB 1 - KLB 1+200. Data collection was carried out for 3 days (Monday, Saturday, Sunday). The collection times were morning, afternoon and evening. Quantitative methods are used in data processing with 2 analysis models. The analysis is in the form of anova and linear regression. The results of the research on Pamularsih Street show that the volume of vehicles or the degree of saturation has a correlation and influence on the ambient air quality with a positive correlation between the variables. Apart from this, it can be seen from this research that the air index of Jalan Pamularsih is classified as unhealthy to very unhealthy.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kamal Rijal Sadewo, Lintang Jata Angghita, R. Clarrino Adesetya Technology of Processing Chicken Egg Shell Waste into Nanocalcium for Osteoporosis Prevention: A Literature Study2024-06-07T13:16:44+07:00Sunardi<p>Egg shells have a high enough calcium content which used as a source of calcium. The elderly population is increasing globally and is predicted to reach 1.5 billion by 2050. The quality of life of the elderly must be considered, for example by developing functional foods for the elderly. This literature review will discuss the development of functional foods to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly. Oxidative stress is one of the factors that accelerates the occurrence of osteoporosis. Various antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, polyphenols, or lycopene, have been shown to have antioxidant activity, thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, the application of nanocalcium from chicken egg shells in various food products has been reported to increase calcium intake, and its use is environmentally friendly because it can contribute to reducing food waste. The application of antioxidants and nanocalcium can be a good combination, but the amount of some antioxidants must be considered so as not to interfere with calcium bioavailability. Therefore, this literature review aims to explore functional foods for the elderly to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, especially with antioxidants and nanocalcium from chicken egg shells. Eating preferences and eating patterns of the elderly are also a consideration to determine the appropriate form of functional food for the elderly. The results presented in this literature review can be the basis for the development of new food products enriched with nanocalcium from chicken egg shells for the elderly.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sunardi Sistem Pemberian Gaji Berdasarkan Persentase Produktivitas dan Hasil Analisis Beban Kerja Pada Pegawai Jurusan (Studi Kasus : Fakultas Teknik Universitas X)2024-06-15T13:44:59+07:00Hery Aji Wibowo1@gmail.comFebrian<p>Salaries and productivity have an important role in determining the quality of the workforce in an agency. Salary payments can also affect level of work productivity and workload borne. Focus is calculating the significant level, effective level, and optimization of the salary system in the Faculty of Engineering. This research aims to analyze the optimal and effective payroll system in the Faculty of Engineering by referring to the level of performance staff. Method is a quantitative method and applies descriptive quantitative research. Stages in data analysis are reducing data, presenting data, descriptive statistical, validity, reliability, spearman rank correlation analysis, calculating the coefficient of determination, and concluding the results of the data that has been processed. Results can be stated that compensation and incentives have been carried out quite well. It can also be seen in the results of the empirical average, namely 67.16. There is a relationship between the influence of compensation and incentives and positive performance levels which are classified as quite strong. Meanwhile, the results of the Spearman rank correlation analysis are 0.445. This statement of results shows that level performance at Faculty of Engineering has a fairly strong relationship, namely where compensation and incentives influence work specifications.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hery Murnawan, Febrian Lestari, Sasongko Aji Wibowo Kekuatan Rangka Mesin Padi Menggunakan Software Solidwork 20222024-07-02T00:00:18+07:00Dafa Intifadadafaintifada80@gmail.comReza Setiawan1@gmail.comIman<p>Strength analysis of rice machine frames using SolidWorks 2022 software is a study that aims to evaluate the structural strength of rice machine frames using computer simulation methods. SolidWorks 2022 is used as a platform to perform strength analysis by considering the operational loads applied to the machine during the use process. This research involved detailed 3D modeling of the rice machine frame and load simulations to predict its structural response. Factors such as load distribution, torque, and forces applied to various parts of the frame are explored to understand potential points of failure or deformation that may occur. The analysis results are expected to provide insight into the structural integrity of the rice machine frame in the face of different operational conditions. By utilizing SolidWorks 2022 technology, this research also aims to improve the overall rice machine design, increase operational efficiency, and reduce the risk of failure which can affect machine performance and reliability in the field.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dafa Intifada, Reza Setiawan, Iman Dirja Proses Handover Pupuk dari Gudang ke Moda Transportasi Darat dalam Pencegahan Kerusakan Kantong Pupuk di PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri) Palembang2024-07-08T22:22:06+07:00Nahdah Iryaninahdahhi@gmail.comArianis Chan1@gmail.comRani<p>The distribution process is, of course, closely related to transport, as transport acts as a means of movement or delivery from the warehouse to the destination. PT Pupuk Indonesia is the largest fertiliser producer in Asia and is the official fertiliser producer. PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri) Palembang is part or group of PT Pupuk Indonesia. PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri) carries out deliveries by land and sea transport. PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri) only uses trucks as land transport equipment to distribute fertiliser, so this research will focus on truck transport. The purpose of this research is to identify the strategies used by companies to prevent product damage during the transfer process from warehouse to land transport. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and the research design is a case study of the handover process. The outcome of this research is to find out the problems during the handover process, namely loss of fertilizer, shrinkage of fertilizer, damage to fertilizer bags such as bag leaks and deformed bags due to dirt. Also find out what strategies the company has in place to prevent product damage.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nahdah Iryani, Arianis Chan, Rani Sukmadewi Produksi Pembuatan Door Trim Menggunakan Mesin Injection Molding Pada PT. XYZ2024-07-11T15:01:51+07:00Suparyasuparya421@gmail.comRatna Dewi<p>In this study, the production process of moulded doors using an injection moulding machine at PT. XYZ. The aim of this research is to determine and analyse the efficiency and quality of door closer production and the factors that influence the final product. PT. XYZ uses an injection moulding machine which has the advantage of high production capacity and efficient use of materials. However, there are often several problems related to product quality and quantity caused by incorrect machine settings, varying raw material quality, as well as sub-optimal conditions and moulds. This study uses data from the July door moulding production results, which totalled 48,624 units. The average cycle time for door panel production is approximately 0.217 minutes per unit. Recommended improvement measures include optimising machine settings, improving raw material quality, better mould design, operator training, manufacturing environment management and reducing manufacturing process variables. By implementing these improvements, PT. In order to compete in a highly competitive market, PT. XYZ is expected to improve the quality and efficiency of its production.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suparya, Ratna Dewi Anjani Perencanaan Persediaan Bahan Baku Kain Polyester Pada Cv. Digital Mitra Tekstil Rungkut Menanggal Kota Surabaya2024-07-16T12:09:41+07:00Gema Putri Alam Dwijayantigemaputrialamdwijayanti@gmail.comErni Puspanantasari<p>CV. Digital Mitra Tekstil is a company that manufactures textile products. The main raw materials on CV. Digital Mitra Tekstil's main raw material is polyester fabric, which is used to make the hijab, the Muslim garment. The problem that occurs in this company is the frequent stock-outs of raw materials, which leads to delays in the production process. This happens because consumer demand and inventory systems fluctuate. The aim of this study is to minimise the cost of raw materials and to improve the raw material inventory plan in CV.Digital Mitra Tekstil. In the data obtained, tests of raw material distribution and waiting time were carried out, which obtained the results that the data was normally distributed. After testing, it can be seen from statistical calculations that EOQ or economic order quantity is 162,357 rolls, reorder point is 48 rolls, safety stock is 76 rolls, and total cost is Rp.2,993,636.36.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gema Putri Alam Dwijayanti, Erni Puspanantasari Putri Limbah Cangkang Bekicot (Achatina Fulica) sebagai Biokoagulan untuk Menurunkan Kandungan Fosfat, Kekeruhan, dan TSS pada Limbah Laundry2024-05-06T13:30:24+07:00Narendra Satrya Priambudinarendrasp554@gmail.comYayok Suryo<p>Laundry services provide significant economic benefits to society, but can also generate waste that has the potential to harm the environment if not managed properly. Laundry waste contains various pollutants such as grease and chemical compounds such as sodium tripolyphosphate. One way to reduce phosphate levels and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in laundry waste is to use the principles of coagulation and flocculation. In this research, the coagulants used came from snail and crab shells as an alternative to chemical coagulants, which have a negative impact on the environment and human health. The process of producing biocoagulant from snail shells involves three stages, namely deproteination, demineralisation and deacetylation. This research aims to reduce three parameters of laundry waste, namely turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS) and phosphate. The research results showed that biocoagulant from crab shells was more effective in reducing these three parameters than biocoagulant from snail shells. This is due to a higher degree of deacetylation in crab shells, which is 84%, compared to 72% in snail shells. The high level of deacetylation in crab shell makes it more effective at binding ions, resulting in more floc being produced.</p>2024-06-19T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Narendra Satrya Priambudi, Yayok Suryo Purnomo Air Limbah Pupuk ZA II Sebagai Penetral pH Dalam IPAL Pabrik Pupuk X2024-05-28T07:31:00+07:00Latifiara Zahra Aulylatifiarazahra@gmail.comEuis Nurul<p>The use of water in industrial activities is a problem that needs to be given strong attention to always be used as a benchmark for water quality, especially in the industrial activities of PT Petrokimia Gresik. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of ZA II factory wastewater as a substitute for NaOH in the pH neutralization process. The effectiveness of ZA II fertilizer wastewater as a pH neutralizer can be determined by testing the pH, TSS and PO4 levels. The method used in this research is neutralization. The variation used is a mixture of neutralized water, NaOH and ZA II waste water. The NaOH used was 0.1 ml; 0.3 ml; 0.5 ml. Based on the research results, it is stated that ZA II fertilizer wastewater can increase pH levels because of its alkaline nature, from 6 to 8. Utilizing ZA II wastewater can reduce the cost of using NaOH, which is relatively expensive. This research can reduce the cost of using NaOH 89.3% cheaper than before, namely IDR 9,000,000/month.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Latifiara Zahra Auly, Euis Nurul Hidayah Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim Menggunakan Lubang Resapan Biopori dalam Meningkatkan Durasi Resapan Air Hujan di RW 01 Banjarsugihan2024-06-11T16:25:35+07:00Anindita Berliana Puspitasari Kokoh Haryo<p>The city of Surabaya is located downstream of the Brantas River, which is an area of overflow from passing rivers, making it prone to flooding during the rainy season. Climate change is the occurrence of changes in climate components due to global warming. The vulnerability of RW 01 Banjar Sugihan is facing the problem of flooding from other higher areas. The aim of this research is to analyse the duration of rainwater infiltration and also to calculate water infiltration in flood prone areas. Biopore absorption holes (LRB) are a suitable technology that is easy to implement, cheap and environmentally friendly. Rainwater infiltration can be calculated using water infiltration through biopore holes. The results of the water infiltration calculations show that the total volume of rainwater infiltration increases with the increase in the number of biopore infiltration holes each year, until in 2024, with a total of 86 biopore infiltration holes, the volume of rainwater infiltration is 0.47 litres/second.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anindita Berliana Puspitasari , Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro Model Pemilihan Jasa Pengiriman Barang pada E-Commerce2024-07-01T11:50:36+07:00Yemima Prasetyawati Cibroyemimaprasetyawati950@gmail.comAri<p>Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the online sales business has grown rapidly, especially through e-commerce applications. E-commerce has become popular because it offers a variety of products at different prices and is often cheaper than direct sales. Prices in e-commerce are affected not only by the price of the goods, but also by service charges, shipping costs and other fees. Well-managed shipping costs are important so that buyers, sellers and applications all benefit. The number of shipping services available in e-commerce requires analysis to determine the best shipping service. This research aims to compare the best shipping services as a reference for sellers and buyers. This research examines how the e-commerce system selects automated shipping services and analyses whether the selection is optimal based on the category of goods, size, shape and distance. The selection of delivery services is modelled with a neural network to describe different possibilities based on the given criteria. The results show that the optimal use of delivery services is determined by handling according to category, size, shape, distance and special conditions. E-commerce should further improve the benefits of delivery services through better website connectivity and digital services.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yemima Prasetyawati Cibro, Ari Setiawan Bangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Komunal Industri Tahu di Kabupaten Jombang2024-07-06T15:13:21+07:00Aisyah Nadia1@gmail.comOkik Hendriyanto<p>Tofu is a food product made from soya beans and is a widely used cottage industry in Jombang district. Many people engage in this business because the production process is relatively simple and does not require complicated equipment. Tofu is also a product with fairly stable demand in local and regional markets, making it an attractive business option for small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Due to cost constraints, some industries do not have wastewater treatment. Waste from production is discharged directly into watercourses, leading to degradation of the surrounding environment. This research aims to design the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Jombang. A total of 600 m3 / day of wastewater is discharged from 70 tofu industries. Based on the wastewater discharge, a water treatment system is planned in the form of an equalisation tank (27.386 x 9.1287 x 2 m), settling tank (32.533 x 38.73 x 2 m), anaerobic baffle reactor with a total of 6 compartments (103.28 x 38.7 x 2 m), aeration (37.879 x 11 x 1.8 m), and finally wetland (103.36 x 38.7 x 2 m). The area required is 5926.667 m2.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aisyah Nadia, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho Limbah Yeast Mud Menjadi Pupuk Organik Padat Menggunakan Metode Composting Aerob2024-07-10T11:46:00+07:00Amelia Putri Rahmawati Maudy1@gmail.comKetut Sumada1@gmail.comCaecilia Pujiastuti1@gmail.comSrie<p>Bioethanol is one of the alternative materials that can reduce dependence on non-renewable fuel oil. The process of making bioethanol produces by-products in the form of waste. Yeast mud is solid waste from the initial precipitation process of ethanol production. Yeast mud contains organic carbon of 39.33%, total nitrogen as nitrogen compounds of 1.76%, and a C/N ratio of 22. The organic carbon content contained in yeast mud exceeds the 2018 SNI value of a maximum of 32%. This study aims to determine the time needed to produce solid organic fertilizer in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard. The parameters used to determine the quality of solid organic fertilizer produced are C-Organic content, Nitrogen content, and C/N ratio. The method used in this research is aerobic composting with variations in the mass of yeast mud waste (1 kg; 2kg; 3 kg; 4 kg; and 5 kg) and variations in composting time (3; 4; 5; 6; 7 days), as well as an aeration rate of 1.5 l/min. The results showed that the C-Organic content that met the maximum SNI standard of 32% was obtained under the condition of a mass of yeast mud waste of 1 kg with a time of 5 days with a C-Organic content of 31.45% and a mass of yeast mud waste of 2 kg with a time of 7 days with a C-Organic content of 31.96%.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Amelia Putri Kusherawati, Clareta Rahmawati Maudy, Ketut Sumada, Caecilia Pujiastuti, Srie Muljani Suhu Transesterifikasi Pada Pembuatan Bahan Baku Produk Biodiesel dari Biji Karet Menggunakan Katalis CaO/ ZnO/ y-Al2O32024-07-11T21:29:45+07:00Putri1@gmail.comIda Putri Mauliza1@gmail.comZulhaini Sartika1@gmail.comChairul<p>Rubber seed is a source of vegetable oil that can be used for biodiesel production, but its use is not optimal. Although rubber seeds contain a lot of oil, it is possible to process them into biodiesel and become a renewable energy source from vegetable oil. The aim of this research is to determine the maximum yield and the effect of temperature on the transesterification process. The results of the research show that temperature variations affect the properties of the obtained biodiesel, namely the maximum yield at a temperature of 60 ºC is 90%, the density value in accordance with SNI 7182:2015 at a temperature of 80 ºC is 853.5 kg/m3, the viscosity value in accordance with SNI 7182:2015 at a temperature of 60 ºC and 70 ºC with a value of 2.83 mm2/cSt and 2.19 mm2/cSt respectively. The GC-MS analysis was carried out on the best samples with density values according to SNI 7182:2015, namely samples with a temperature of 80ºC for 60 minutes and consisting of methyl ether linoleic acid with a surface area of 35.32% and oleic acid methyl ester with a surface area of 4.46%.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putri, Ida Hasmita, Nadia Putri Mauliza, Zulhaini Sartika, Chairul Amni Keterkaitan Indikator Penilaian Sustainable Development Goals dengan Penerapan Konsep Kampus Hijau2024-05-13T10:23:30+07:00Wenseslaus Garendy Mercianogarendymerciano@gmail.comBY. Arya<p>Penerapan tujuan pembangunan keberlanjutan atau SDGs menjadi sebuah upaya yang dilakukan oleh seluruh dunia untuk mencapai pembangunan keberlanjutan dalam rangka melindungi keberlangsungan hidup dimasa sekarang dan dimasa depan. Pengembangan kampus berkelanjutan menjadi perhatian utama dalam pembangunan pada masa kini terutama dalam menghadapi tantangan perubahan iklim. Pada penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengaitkan antara tujuan pembangunan keberlanjutan atau SDGs dengan konsep penerapan kampus hijau. Pembuatan indikator ini dilakukan dengan metode literatur review yang berkaitan dengan konsep pembangunan keberlanjutan dan konsep kampus hijau. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya hubungan antara tujuan pembangunan keberlanjutan dengan konsep kampus hijau yang dimana sama sama berfokus pada pengembangan infrastruktur yang keberlanjutan, pengelolaan air dan limbah, pengembangan Pendidikan dan pengabdian masyrakat, peningkatan kualitas Kesehatan dan ketahanan pangan, serta peningkatan kelembagaan dan kemitraan. Maka didapatkan 5 indikator penilaian dalam penerapan konsep kampus hijau yang berhubungan dengan tujuan pembangunan keberlanjutan yaitu Pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat, infrastruktur dan sarana prasarana kampus, air, energi, limbah, dan penanganan perubahan iklim, kesehatan dan pangan, dan kemitraan dan kelembagaan.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wenseslaus Garendy Merciano, BY. Arya Wastunimpuna, Widhi Handayani Laju Alir Udara terhadap Konstanta Pengeringan Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea) Menggunakan Tray Dryer2024-06-03T15:36:19+07:00Laily Isna Analyes<p>The drying process in this study was carried out using a tray dryer at a drying air temperature of 60oC and a relative humidity of 17.8% by varying the flow rate, namely 1.6, 2.4 and 3.2 m/s. An analysis of the decrease in water content and drying rate constant was carried out to determine the effect of variations in flow rate on these two parameters based on experimental data and corroborated by correlation analysis and statistical significance. Variations in the flow rate of the drying air have an impact on reducing the water content of the butterfly pea flower by 57-60%, where based on the significance test, the results show that the relationship between the two variables is not statistically significant. In addition to the reduction in water content, the drying rate constant was also investigated in this study, where the largest drying rate constant was 0.0154 kgH2O/m2.minute when a drying air flow rate of 3.2 m/s was used.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Laily Isna Ramadhani, Irwan Hidayatulloh, Dhyna Analyes Trirahayu and Application of ZnO/SiO2 Composite for Methylene Blue Degradation by Photocatalyst Process and Its Ariyanto Adi<p>Methylene blue is considered a persistent organic pollutant due to the presence of a benzene group that resists degradation, making it difficult to break down. One source of SiO2 is volcanic ash from volcanic eruptions, which accounts for more than 50% of the total mixture of compounds. The abundant SiO2 in volcanic ash can be utilised and converted into silica gel by forming potassium silicate through the chemical interaction between the SiO2 present in volcanic ash and potassium hydroxide. The ZnO/SiO2 composite has been used as an adsorbent to degrade methylene blue artificial dye. This study aims to determine the composition that gives maximum results in MB dye degradation. ZnO/SiO2 composite with volume ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3. In this study, the dye degradation under sunlight and UV light exposure was investigated and the effect of various factors such as mass, time, concentration and pH to achieve the highest possible degradation of MB dye was also studied. The results showed that the most effective reduction in MB dye concentration occurred when using a ZnO/SiO2 composite with a 1:3 ratio, using 100 mg of adsorbent, subjecting it to UV irradiation for 60 minutes, and working with a dye concentration of 10 g/l at a relatively neutral pH of 6. The dye degradation efficiency obtained under these conditions was 97.63%.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sunardi, Sumardiyono, Muhamad Ariyanto Adi Saputro, Soebiyanto Sebagai Energi Terbarukan Berbasis Aplikasi Game Edukasi2024-07-01T16:05:18+07:00Ida Betanursanti1@gmail.comGalih Mahardika<p>Litter is a very disturbing object in the environment. Public awareness of waste management is still minimal. The government, together with several communities, has tried to utilise it, but waste accumulation remains a significant problem. Entertaining educational efforts are needed to help the public understand proper waste management. In line with the government's programme to promote the use of new and renewable energy, waste can be used as renewable energy, depending on its classification. This research aims to create an entertaining and accessible educational model application in the digital age that utilises waste as renewable energy based on educational games. Tests were carried out using classical statistical tests, including validity tests, reliability tests and Spearman correlation tests. The results obtained from the questionnaires given to the users who completed the trial showed that 4 items were not valid: Q4, Q18, Q29 and Q31. The results of the reliability test showed that out of 28 data tested, the value was very high at 0.946. The correlation test concluded that learnability is correlated with memorability and satisfaction, while satisfaction is correlated with errors.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Betanursanti, Galih Mahardika Munandar, Alifta Dicasani Variasi Sandwich Panel Struktur Honeycomb dan Banana Tree Trunks Menggunakan Board Paper Diperkuat Polmeric Foam Terhadap Kekuatan Mekanik2024-07-08T22:10:10+07:00Muhammad Eza Firmansyahfmuhammadeza@gmail.comRizal Hanifi1@gmail.comIman<p>This research uses board paper as the main material for the sandwich panel structure, which is filled with polymeric foam in the sandwich panel, which will then be subjected to mechanical testing, namely bending and compression, to determine the strength of the sandwich panel structure. The test results according to the ASTM C393 M-16 standard show that the bending strength for the honeycomb shape is 11.93 kN, while for the banana tree trunk core shape the bending strength value is 12.34 (kN). Based on the results of the compression test according to the ASTM C365 M-16 standard. The compressive stress strength value obtained was 6,009 N/mm2 for the honeycomb core shape and for the banana tree trunks core shape, the compressive stress strength value was 7,356 N/mm2. It is necessary to use strengthening methods that are stronger and resistant to delamination and shifting on the strength and durability of the material.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Eza Firmansyah, Rizal Hanifi, Iman Dirja Timbulan, Komposisi, dan Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Non B3 di Industri Pakan Ternak2024-07-11T12:23:05+07:00Ahmad Naufal Arkan Syahahmad.naufalarkansyah@gmail.comSarwoko<p>One industrial sector that has experienced significant development in Indonesia is the animal feed industry. This industry produces various types of waste, including leftover raw materials, products that do not meet specifications, and used packaging. Management of non-B3 waste (Hazardous and Toxic Materials) is very important to avoid negative impacts on the environment. To design a waste management system in an area, initial data is needed which includes the amount of waste produced, the composition of the waste, and the characteristics of the waste in the area where the management system will be planned. This research analyzes the condition of non-B3 solid waste management in the animal feed industry, with a focus on waste generation and composition. Sampling was carried out for 8 days in accordance with SNI 19-3964-1995. The research results showed that domestic waste reached 14,093 kg/day and industrial waste reached 1641.53 kg/day. In the office area, waste is dominated by food scraps (29.11%) and tissue paper (16.45%), while in the yard area, cigarette butts (30.38%) and food scraps (19.38%) are dominant. Most industrial waste comes from corn tubies (62.46%) and carbonate sacks (22.43%). These findings are important for designing effective solid waste management systems in the animal feed industry, maintaining environmental sustainability, and meeting regulatory standards.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Naufal Arkan Syah, Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo Daya Dukung dan Kapasitas Tampung Pada Rencana Pengembangan Kawasan Agrokawista Pongangan2024-07-15T21:21:36+07:00Paskhalis Bonnieaaron Krishna Wardhani1@gmail.comR Clarrino Adesetya<p>Tourism development has a positive impact on the economic growth of a region. This development is shifting towards sustainable tourism, one of which is village tourism. The development of village tourism is based on the tourism potential of a region. Kelurahan Pongangan is one of the areas striving to develop village tourism and already has a development plan. However, this plan has not yet gone through the stages of carrying capacity analysis and capacity assessment. The objective of this study is to analyse the consistency of carrying capacity and capacity assessment with the characteristics of tourism potential. The research uses quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Data collection methods include interviews, direct observation and literature review. The collected data will be analysed using carrying capacity analysis and capacity assessment techniques. The presentation of data in this research is descriptive. The analysis shows that the carrying capacity of Agrokawista Pongangan area is 148 people, and the capacity of mushroom and bonsai cultivation buildings is insufficient. In addition, the capacity of infrastructure, such as drainage, does not meet requirements. The inadequate capacity requires a reassessment of the size of the existing buildings.</p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Paskhalis Bonnieaaron Timoro, Dhiyan Krishna Wardhani, R Clarrino Adesetya Jaya Service Coverage Mapping For Government Performance<p>The Government of Indonesia aims to provide postal services to 63% of sub-districts, with a target of 74% by 2024. This research aims to map the extent of postal service coverage in Indonesia. It is crucial to map postal service coverage in order to evaluate service performance using the network analysis - service area analysis method. The results of the study show that the postal service has not yet achieved the set coverage target in the three measured radii. Although there has been some improvement at a larger radius, a significant number of sub-districts still lack postal service coverage. At a radius of 2.5 km, only 66% of sub-districts have access to postal services, rising to 71% at a radius of 5 km and reaching 79% at a radius of 10 km. The Java region is the best performer, with only 211 subdistricts or 10% of the total subdistricts lacking postal services. In Papua, on the other hand, only 10% of sub-districts are covered, leaving about 90% without access to postal services. These study results could help inform decisions on target achievement and expansion of postal services to best meet performance targets by 2024.</p>2024-06-19T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sumarno, Ira Indrarini Tata Ruang Pada Kawasan Bergambut Di Kecamatan Dolok Sanggul Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan2024-05-24T20:43:40+07:00Edwar Darmansyah Pohanedwarpohan@gmail.comErwin NyakErwinnyak@yahoo.comAchmad Siddik<p>Peatland conversion has become a serious issue in recent years. The dynamic between peatland protection and limited space for urban development is a strategic issue in spatial planning. This research aims to evaluate the spatial pattern planning of peatland areas in the 2018 Regional Spatial Plan of Humbang Hasundutan District. The focus of this research is a peatland area of 666.77 hectares. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a spatial data exploration approach using ArGIS 10.8 application. The results show that the spatial pattern plan of peatland in 2018 has a mismatch in spatial use, non-peatland reaches 357.06 hectares (53.55%), most of which is used as fields/crops (39.10%) and settlements (3.04%). The extent of land rights reaches 118.47 hectares (17.77%), while land without land rights is dominated by swamp land use (32.96 hectares or 41.51%). Cultivated land has the largest share (62.72%) as a potential cultivation function. Improvements to the spatial pattern plan for peatlands have decreased in area by -295.84 hectares (-44.37%), which needs to be considered in the future revision of the Humbang Hasundutan District Spatial Plan, including the regulation of general zoning provisions.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Edwar Darmansyah Pohan, Erwin Nyak, Achmad Siddik Thoha Kapasitas Produksi Menggunakan Metode Rough Cut Capacity Planning pada Home Industry Roti NK2024-06-10T08:18:12+07:00Rianti Indah Sry Rezki<p>Home industry is a type of SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) that can promote community self-reliance and boost Indonesia's economic growth. NK Bread Home Industry produces various types of bread, including white bread, gembul bread and sweet bread. This home-based industry uses a make-to-order production system, with production levels based on orders. In order to anticipate fluctuations in demand, this industry also maintains stocks. The main problem for this cottage industry is the lack of accuracy in inventory planning due to the lack of demand forecasting. As a result, production is based on experience. In addition, production output is not maximised due to the lack of production capacity planning. This research aims to plan production capacity using the RCCP (Rough-Cut Capacity Planning) method with the BOLA (Bill of Labor Approach). The results obtained show that the required capacity is 1878.50 units, which is greater than the available capacity of 1417.26 units per period. In order to solve this problem, recommendations are made, such as the need to increase the number of workers, the number of machines, the adjustment of the production rate and the use of subcontracting. With these suggestions, it is expected that the production house will be able to maximise capacity, leading to an increase in production output.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rianti Indah Lestari, Sukriyah Buwarda, A.Dian Sry Rezki Natsir, Riskawati of The Influence of Land Use on Water Quality Pollution in The River Basin (DAS) Kali Pelayaran, Sidoarjo2024-07-01T11:11:44+07:00Diah Retno Jayantridiaherje@gmail.comNieke<p>Most rivers in Indonesia experience pollution due to waste disposal activities that are often uncontrolled in terms of both quantity and quality. Increased domestic activities, infrastructure development and land use around the watershed have had a significant impact on water quality in Pelayaran River. Pelayaran River with a length of 21 km is the source of raw material for drinking water processed by Taman Tirta Water Treatment Plant (IPA) in Sidoarjo Regency. This study aims to assess the condition of pollutant load in Pelayaran River, Sidoarjo. The research method used is by testing the status of river water quality using the pollution index, followed by simulating river water quality using Qual2kw with 3 scenarios, and calculating the capacity of the pollutant load. the water quality parameters analyzed are COD, BOD, TSS, and Total Nitrogen parameters. from the results of this study, it can be seen that the quality status of Kali Pelayaran and the capacity of the pollutant load. it is hoped that this research will be able to provide policy decisions in making water quality pollution control strategies.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Diah Retno Jayantri, Nieke Karnaningroem Proses Pembuatan CAM 2SX Pada PT. XYZ2024-07-02T00:42:52+07:00Ahmad Rafi Muzakki rafi37075@gmail.comMarno1@gmail.comViktor<p>This research investigates the CAM 2SX production process at PT. XYZ, a manufacturing company that uses advanced technology to produce precision components. The process starts from initial design using CAD software to mass production using a press machine. The steps include material selection, molding and installation, as well as sample testing to ensure the accuracy and quality of the final product. This analysis emphasizes the importance of CNC, EDM and Wirecut techniques to achieve tight tolerances and production efficiency. This research provides a comprehensive overview of the production strategy used by PT. XYZ to meet market demand with high quality standards and optimal efficiency.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Rafi Muzakki , Marno, Viktor Naubnome dan Karakterisasi Pupuk Lepas lambat Fe-Zn dari Limbah Besi, Limbah Seng, dan Cangkang Telur Ayam2024-07-09T12:22:17+07:00Rosy Dwi<p>The synthesis of slow-release Fe-Zn fertilizer from community waste, using iron waste, zinc waste, and chicken eggshells as raw materials, aims to transform underutilized waste into economically valuable products. The study investigates three fertilizer compositions for the ratios 1:1:1, 1:1:2, and 2:1:1 (FeSO<sub>4 </sub>: CaCO<sub>3 </sub>: ZnSO<sub>4</sub>). The synthesis process involves mixing FeSO<sub>4</sub>, CaCO<sub>3</sub>, and ZnSO<sub>4</sub> with distilled water. After mixing, the fertilizer is dried and characterized using FTIR (<em>Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy</em>) and SEM (<em>Scanning Electron Microscope</em>) - EDS (<em>Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy</em>). SEM analysis reveals irregularly shaped Fe-Zn slow-release fertilizers with uneven surfaces. FTIR results show similar spectral regions among the three variations. The presence of CaO is indicated by absorption bands at 709.80 cm<sup>-1</sup>, while Zn-O-H bonds appear at 1,070 cm<sup>-1</sup>. Fe-O bonds are identified at 692 cm<sup>-1</sup>.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rosy Dwi Rahmawati, Sunardi Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah di Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu Bantargebang2024-07-11T15:46:51+07:00Nur Ridha Amethysia1@gmail.comGina Lova<p>According to Law No. 18 of 2008, waste management of landfill with open dumping system ito controlled landfill and sanitary landfill. TPST Bantargebang is a waste management company owned by the Government of DKI Jakarta, established in 1989, which initially used open dumping and has now switched to controlled landfill. The waste treatment is not optimal because the waste is only compacted and not covered with soil. The purpose of this research is to investigate the waste processing process in Bantargebang TPST landfill. This research method is descriptive qualitative, in July - September 2023. The amount of waste entering TPST Bantargebang in July 2023 averaged 7,226 tons/day with an average of 1,300 rites/day. Waste processing is carried out in 4 active zone landfills, including backfilling waste with the controlled landfill and rehabilitation for inactive zone landfills with landfill mining to extend the life of the landfill. Methane gas control has been carried out with technology that converts methane gas into electrical energy. The IPAS 3 test results show that the parameters exceed the quality standards. Waste processing at TPST Bantargebang uses the controlled landfill method, to optimise waste management, reduction technology, waste processing and landfill rehabilitation have been carried out. </p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Ridha Amethysia, Gina Lova Sari Perbaikan Citra Naskah Kuno Menggunakan Histogram Terekualisasi Lokal dan<p>Ancient manuscripts are precious relics of the past. These manuscripts are very susceptible to disturbances, including changes in the colour of the paper. For example, the paper may become dark and black (known as foxing), and there may be black spots due to exposure to water. These changes in paper colour can affect the comfort and legibility of the document. In order to preserve and protect these ancient manuscripts, any manuscript that shows signs of damage must be repaired. One effort to restore scanned ancient manuscripts involves the use of local and global image restoration methods based on histogram equalisation. In this research project, histogram equalisation is used to improve image quality by eliminating foxing and improving the contrast between text and background. Based on the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) values obtained from the tests, the histogram equalisation method is effective in eliminating foxing compared to the Otsu method.</p>2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Baihaqi, Yeni Yanti, Malahayati Persediaan Bahan Baku Produk Kursi Anyaman Pada PT. Multi Kadera Sejati2024-05-08T15:32:16+07:00Elsa Budi Ardhaniaelsabudiardhania22@gmail.comErni Puspanantasari<p>PT Multi Kadera Sejati is a company in the furniture industry that has always prioritised quality in the production of woven chairs. One of the problems that PT. Multi Kadera Sejati is a shortage of raw materials for woven chairs, apart from that, there is no optimal raw material inventory control system and they still use the conversion method, which results in the company experiencing production delays and hampers the delivery process to consumers, which can reduce consumers' confidence in ordering woven chairs from PT. Multi Kadera Sejati. The forecasting methods used in this research are Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing. In Material Requirement Planning (MRP), LFL and FPR lot-sizing techniques are considered to be able to solve this problem. The LFL method was chosen because it has the smallest results and the most optimal results. From the results of MRP calculations with LFL and FRP lot sizing, it was found that the lowest cost for LFL was IDR 1,350,000.</p>2024-06-19T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elsa Budi Ardhania, Erni Puspanantasari Putri Keterlambatan Pengiriman Unit Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma (Studi Kasus Pada PT XYZ)2024-05-31T11:06:04+07:00Duma Joanna Rotua Prasetyo<p>PT. XYZ is a network providing sales, maintenance, repair and spare parts for Toyota, which is fully owned by PT. Astra International Tbk. The main problem PT. XYZ is delivery delays. In 2023, out of 11,208 deliveries, 2,098 units were delayed, resulting in a delay rate of 18.72%. According to PT. XYZ, delays are acceptable if they are below 15%; above that, they are unacceptable. PT. XYZ needs to analyse the factors causing these delays using the Six Sigma method with the DMAIC approach. The aim is to identify the causes of delays, determine the Six Sigma level and propose improvements. The research identified three main issues: pre-delivery inspection failures with 83.76% due to external damage; administrative process obstacles with 90.05% due to vehicle registration issues; and inbound stock overload with 100% due to PDC overload. The average sigma level is 3.27 σ, rounded to 3 σ. The main causes are employee negligence and contamination during storage at the PDC. Five improvement proposals are being implemented: mandatory K3 and SIO certification for operators, SOPs for unit storage on trucks and at the PDC, use of full-cover unit protection and use of triple-layer protective material. By implementing these solutions, the company can address the issues that cause delivery delays.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Duma Joanna Rotua Simanjuntak, Anggoro Prasetyo Utomo dan Efektivitas Program Kampung Zero Waste di Kelurahan Tambaksari RW 012024-06-14T17:28:40+07:00Anggie Devitasarianggidevita02@gmail.comRaden<p>Many large cities in Indonesia, including Surabaya, face major problems with urban waste management. One way to reduce the amount of waste generated is through the Zero Waste Village programme. This programme is an initiative of the city government of Surabaya with the aim of reducing waste and raising public awareness about waste management. The methods used are observation and interviews. The results of the implementation showed a decrease in the amount of waste in two regions. The success is supported by the active participation of the citizens. However, obstacles were also identified in the management of organic waste and in the extensive territorial and infrastructural constraints that support the programme's activities.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anggie Devitasari, Raden Kokoh Postur Kerja pada Pekerja Area Workshop Menggunakan Nordic Body Map Questionnaire dan Metode Rapid Entire Body Assessment di PT X2024-07-01T15:06:23+07:00Ari Najwa1@gmail.comNova Ulhasanah1@gmail.comAnita<p>The aim of this study is to evaluate the ergonomic conditions of workers in the workshop area of PT X. The workshop area consists of five different workstations: cutting, welding, turning, painting and sanding. These workstations involve physical effort that affects muscle tissue, bones and joints, potentially leading to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Our main objective was to identify the critical workstation among the five workstations in the fabrication manufacturing section of PT X. The critical workstation and working posture were analysed using the Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method. The result of the NBM questionnaire score showed that the grinding workstation had the highest score of 102, indicating its critical nature. Work posture analysis using REBA then identified workers 8 and 10 as representing the critical workstations as they had the highest NBM score. Worker 8 received a REBA score of 11, indicating a very high risk requiring immediate follow-up. In addition, worker 10 received a REBA score of 8, indicating a high risk and requiring immediate corrective action.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ari Rahman, Alfiyah Najwa, Nova Ulhasanah, Anita Juraida Spasial Pengembangan Kawasan Air Terjun Janji Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan2024-07-08T15:04:03+07:00Darmanto Silaban1@gmail.comAchmad Siddik<p>Spatial-based tourism development planning can help various parties to develop tourism in Lake Toba, especially in villages in Humbang Hasundutan Regency. The purpose of this research is to spatially analyse the physical characteristics and level of suitability of Janji Waterfall tourism development to support tourism development plans. The data used in this study are administrative boundary maps, soil type maps, land cover maps, slope maps, coordinates of the location of attractions and tourism facilities. Spatial analysis using Geographic Information System tools with join-space and overlay methods were used to describe the physical characteristics of the area, accessibility conditions, tourism facilities conditions and the level of suitability for tourism development. Based on the physical characteristics of the area, Janji Waterfall has supporting aspects in the form of beautiful natural scenery in the form of water flow, hills, vegetation and lakes. Accessibility to the tourism areas is easy from different locations as good quality road access already exists. Many support facilities are built in flat areas and close to settlements. The site or location of the waterfall is mostly in the criteria for the suitability of the development area, which is quite suitable and very suitable. For future development plans, it is recommended that managers, village governments and local governments work together. Visitor safety needs attention as the potential danger of landslides and flash floods is a threat that needs to be anticipated.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Darmanto Silaban, Achmad Siddik Thoha, Muhammad Taufiq Proses Pembuatan CAM 2SX di PT. XYZ dan PT. ABC2024-07-11T11:08:29+07:00Raihan Fadillahmesinraihan@gmail.comViktor Naubnome1@gmail.comDeri Teguh<p>CAM 2SX production process at PT. XYZ and PT. ABC to determine the performance, quality and challenges of these automotive components. The stamping process was found to be effective in producing components at high speed and high precision through various process steps such as stamping, forming, shearing, trimming, punching and quality control (QC). The use of SPCC (Steel Plate Cold Coil) materials, CNC technology and simulation software helps to optimise processes and improve production results. In addition, the importance of qualified and trained human resources is recognised to meet the demands of modern industry, which is realised through the practical work initiative of Singaperbangsa University, Karawang. Strict quality controls are implemented to ensure that each component meets specifications and is free from defects such as scratches, dents, cracks and extrusions. In short, the stamping process is efficient and effective in manufacturing automotive components, but requires attention to detail and strict quality control to achieve optimum results.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Raihan Fadillah, Viktor Naubnome, Deri Teguh Santoso a Spreadsheet-Based Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) Database Using Arduino Mega 2560 and NodeMCU with App Script Integration2024-07-15T13:15:35+07:00Nerissa Arviana Putrinerissaarviana62@gmail.comArniel Ahmad Rivai1@gmail.comRifki Athaya1@gmail.comMohamad Ramdhani1@gmail.comDien<p>This research discusses the database design for a spreadsheet based payment system using Arduino Mega 2560 and NodeMCU ESP8266 with the help of an app script on a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) with non-cash rewards. The payment process on the RVM requires admin assistance, so a platform is needed to store data, including the user's mobile phone number and the rewards the user has received. The database allows administrators to check this data to process reward payments to users. Spreadsheet is the platform the author chose for the database because it is easy to use and flexible. Designing a spreadsheet as a database using serial communication between Arduino Mega 2560 and NodeMCU ESP8266. Apart from this, the design also requires the help of the App Script feature to store the user's mobile phone number data and rewards received in a spreadsheet. The design results show that this database is effective and efficient in connecting the RVM with a spreadsheet to store data, thereby reducing the administrative workload in the payment process from the RVM.</p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nerissa Arviana Putri, Arniel Ahmad Rivai, Rifki Athaya, Mohamad Ramdhani Risiko Penurunan Kualitas Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja Jabon Kabupaten Sidoarjo dengan Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 2024-05-03T07:44:57+07:00Nasilla Aulia Faradinanasilla.dina@gmail.comNaniek Ratni<p>As the population grows, so does the need for proper sanitation. Domestic or sanitary wastewater is the wastewater resulting from the use of water in all human activities and is divided into grey and black water. Fecal sludge, which is included in the black water category, is a source of pollution consisting of dissolved solids with a high content of organic material and microorganisms. The initial treatment of fecal sludge is carried out in domestic septic tanks, which have certain capacity limits, so further treatment of fecal sludge is required, which is carried out at the IPLT. This research uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method to identify potential failures in the fecal sludge processing process. The aim of the research is to identify the sources and risks of processing unit failure, which can lead to a reduction in the quality of the processing results, and to propose improvements. From the research results it was found that the causes of failure with the highest RPN values and treatment priority were detention time (dt) in collection ponds, BOD removal in anaerobic ponds and BOD removal in facultative ponds. Suggested improvements can be used as suggestions for fecal sludge treatment to improve service quality.</p>2024-06-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nasilla Aulia Faradina, Naniek Ratni J.A.R Analisis Kemauan Membayar Retribusi Sampah Di Kecamatan Lotu Kabupaten Nias Utara2024-05-22T19:04:59+07:00Gita Prajatiprajatig@gmail.comDenomi Kristin<p>Lotu Subdistrict, located in North Nias Regency, is experiencing a problem in waste retribution cost. The environmental office feels that the amount of waste retribution cost is too small. Meanwhile, the community feels that the waste retribution cost is not comparable to the service. The aims of this research are to know the willingness to pay (WTP), the cost of willingness to pay and also the influencing factors of willingness to pay in the community of Lotu subdistrict. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 97 respondents. The data were analysed by Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to determine the cost of WTP and the total cost of WTP. Besides, the data analysed by multiple regression which is used to determine the influential factors of WTP. This research shows that 21% of respondents are unwilling to pay the cost of waste disposal and 79% of respondents are willing to pay the cost of waste disposal. The average cost of WTP for each household is Rp. 8,207.79 per month. There are two factors that influence WTP, which are gender and age. Whereas income, education, number of family members and employment have no influence on WTP in Lotu subdistrict.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gita Prajati, Denomi Kristin Gea Gas Metana Sebagai Sumber Energi di TPA Winongo Kota Madiun2024-06-09T14:53:21+07:00Era Dinisiadela Dhalia Kokoh Haryo<p>The problem of waste, which is getting worse almost every year, is an aspect of special interest in several countries in the world, including Indonesia. The increasing population in a country is the most instrumental aspect in increasing the volume of waste as well as the need for final processing sites or known as (TPA) in the urban area. Winongo Landfill, located in Manguharjo District, Madiun City, is the site to be studied. In Winongo Landfill Madiun City, a controlled landfill is used with a waste system that is filled with soil after the waste looks full, causing more methane gas. This research was conducted by using and calculating the amount of methane gas produced based on the composition and amount of waste expected to enter the Winongo landfill in 2024. The methane gas produced from organic waste ranges from 13,574.812 kg CH4 to 15,190.861 kg CH4. It is therefore necessary to make the best use of energy sources from the methane gas produced so that it benefits the surrounding community and does not pollute the environment.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Era Dinisiadela Dhalia , Raden Kokoh Haryo Putro dan Optimalisasi Kinerja Unit Accelerator Pada IPAM Ngagel II Kota Surabaya2024-06-18T17:37:54+07:00Fadhilah Labibah Nurjanahfadhilahln123@gmail.comOkik Hendriyanto<p>IPAM Ngagel is one of the drinking water purification plants (IPAM) owned by PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya City as a provider of clean water needs for the people of Surabaya City. In order to meet the demand for clean water, the raw water used in the Ngagel Water Treatment Plant has to pass through several treatment units. However, there are several obstacles that result in the treatment unit not operating optimally. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate and compare the performance of one of the treatment units, the accelerator unit. This research method includes field studies, literature studies, data analysis and interviews using data in the form of inlet and outlet water quality of the accelerator unit and the use of coagulant doses for 20 days. The results obtained for the percentage removal in accelerator 1 are turbidity 90.32%, organic compounds 18.76%, ammonia 46.04% and nitrite -2.40%. While the percentage removal in accelerator no. 3 is 84.23% turbidity, 15.75% organic compounds, 25.68% ammonia and -19.48% nitrite. Based on the evaluation results, the removal efficiency in accelerator number 1 is better than that in accelerator number 3. This is because the operations in the accelerator unit, particularly the use of coagulant doses, are not in accordance with what is required, and this affects the difference in the performance of the accelerator unit.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fadhilah Labibah Nurjanah, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho Painting dan Pengukuran Ketebalan Cat Pada Kabin Mobil Type Dutro Dump 130 HD X-POWER di PT. XYZ2024-07-02T00:14:03+07:00Aang Iryadi aangmesin20@gmail.comRizal Hanifi1@gmail.comKardiman1@gmail.comViktor<p>The process of painting a car cabin at PT XYZ, a leading automotive company in Indonesia, involves a series of structured and rigorous steps to ensure optimal paint quality before the vehicle leaves the manufacturing facility. The painting process involves a series of structured stages, starting from surface preparation to application of paint layers. Paint thickness measurements are carried out to ensure that the thickness of the paint layer complies with established standards for optimal protection and aesthetics. It was found that the company implemented advanced technologies such as electrodeposition (ED) to ensure an even and long-lasting paint layer. Apart from that, implementing grounding safety and the Quality Gate process is key in maintaining safety, quality and customer satisfaction.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aang Iryadi , Rizal Hanifi, Kardiman, Viktor Naubnome Konsorsium Mikroalga Tetraselmis sp. dan Chaetoceros sp. dengan Rasio N/P Terhadap Penurunan Nitrat dan Kelimpahan Mikroalga2024-07-09T11:54:05+07:00Savira Fevilia1@gmail.comOkik Hendriyanto<p>Microalgae are distributed in various types. Each type of microalgae has its own ability to absorb nutrients, especially nitrates. In several journals it is stated that microalgae are often used as phycoremediation. Nitrate and phosphate are macronutrients for microalgae that are needed based on certain ratios. So a lack of nitrogen content can result in substantial inhibition of algal growth and thus suboptimal nutrient consumption. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of microalgae consortia on nitrate removal and the effect of the N:P ratio on microalgae abundance. The microalgae used is <em>Tetraselmis sp</em>. and <em>Chaetoceros sp</em>. After being tested in batches, it was discovered that the <em>Tetraselmis sp</em>. consortium. and <em>Chaetoceros sp</em>. microalgae are able to remove nitrate content up to 94.1% with sample B1 (ratio of microalgae <em>Chaetoceros sp</em>. : <em>Tetraselmis sp</em>. = 100:0. This effectiveness occurs in the pH range 7.8 – 8.9 with a temperature of 28.67℃ - 22, 67℃. The ratio of nitrate and phosphate content influences the abundance of microalgae. The ratio of 16:1 is influential in producing the highest abundance of more variations in microalgae consortia than other ratios.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Savira Fevilia, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyanugroho Adsorption Study of Cd(II) Metal Ions Using Glutaraldehyde-Crosslinked Thiosemicarbazide-Modified Poly (vinyl alcohol)2024-07-11T15:26:01+07:00Hannifa Puspawardhani Rifa’ihannifap08@gmail.comMuhammad Ali<p>Cd(II) metal ions are commonly found in water bodies and are non-essential and carcinogenic, leading to lung cancer. Thus, it is crucial to remove Cd(II) metal ions from water. Adsorption is one effective separation method due to its relative simplicity and cost-effectiveness. In this work, the adsorption kinetics study of Cd(II) metal ions using were examined. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was cross-linked with glutaraldehyde and subsequently modified with thiosemicarbazide (TSC). The resulting was characterized using FTIR. The adsorption process was carried out in a batch system at room temperature. The study revealed that the adsorption kinetics of Cd(II) metal ions with followed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model, with a rate constant of 0.4 × 10⁻³⁻¹.min⁻¹. In the kinetics data, an intra-particle diffusion model was also performed to understand the adsorption reaction mechanism. The intra-particle diffusion model indicated that the rate-determining step was governed by the intra-particle diffusion stage, with a rate constant of 0.387 mg.g<sup>-1</sup>min<sup>-1/2</sup>.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hannifa Puspawardhani Rifa’i, Muhammad Ali Zulfikar Potensi Timbulan dan Jenis Sampah Elektronik Rumah Tangga di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat2024-07-17T14:44:04+07:00Sifa Nurhidayati1@gmail.comGina Lova Sariginalovasari@gmail.comVenny Ulya<p>This study aims to identify the generation and potential of household electronic waste in the Central Jakarta Administrative City. E-waste, which falls under the category of hazardous and toxic waste (B3), consists of used electronics that are discarded because they are no longer in use. Based on data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2021, Indonesia will generate around 2 million tonnes of e-waste, 56% of which will come from the island of Java. E-waste management in Indonesia is still sub-optimal, with only 17.4% being properly managed. This study involved 100 households in Central Jakarta through observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data was analysed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that washing machines, refrigerators, and air conditioners are the most common types of household e-waste, with estimated generation of 571,038.11 kg/year, 514,299.67 kg/year, and 475,904.09 kg/year, respectively. Projections show that the generation of e-waste will increase every year as the population grows.</p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sifa Nurhidayati, Gina Lova Sari, Venny Ulya Bunga Beban Emisi SO2, NO2 dan Partikulat dari Cerobong Boiler dengan Bahan Bakar Kayu pada PT X2024-05-08T09:16:08+07:00Nabila Indah<p>The industrial revolution has led to an increase in the number of industries around the world, including Indonesia. PT X is one of the industries that produces emissions from wood-fired boiler stacks that have the potential to cause air pollution such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter. In this study, the emission load generated by PT X and the efficiency of the use of emission control devices were carried out. The high content of SO2, NO2 and particulates is 955.91 mg/Nm3, 1,744.92 mg/Nm3 and 1,354.21 mg/Nm3 produced from the boiler is above the quality standard. Therefore, emission control tools are needed to reduce the emission burden. The emission control tool used is cyclone dust collector. The cyclone dust collector acts as an air pollution control equipment and helps to remove large dust particles from the disposal of industrial processes. The efficiency of this mechanical dust collector increases with particle size. For larger particle sizes, this tool has a high efficiency. It is able to reduce SO2, NO2 and particulate emissions by 16%, 43% and 74% respectively. At this concentration it is already below the quality standard.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nabila Indah Wibisono, Novirina Hendrasarie Evaluasi Sistem Drainase di Pasar Bancong Kelurahan Sukatani Kabupaten Bekasi 2024-05-28T21:03:57+07:00Akbar Anugerah Zahrani<p>This research aims to identify the causes of flooding in Pasar Bancong, Sukatani Subdistrict, Bekasi Regency. The methods used were primary and secondary data collection, hydrological and hydraulic analysis, and drainage system design. The research results show that flooding in Pasar Bancong is caused by several factors, namely high rainfall intensity, low soil infiltration rate, inadequate capacity of the main channel, lower elevation of Pasar Bancong compared to the main road, and the presence of sediment and waste in the main channel. Two alternative treatments are proposed, namely sediment dredging and channel normalisation from upstream to downstream (Kali Gandu outfall). Changes in the dimensions of the drainage channel are planned to manage flooding in the design area. The conclusion of this study is that an assessment of the design area is required to identify problematic points in the drainage channel that require further treatment. The treatment that can be carried out is sediment dredging, normalisation and widening of the drainage channel dimensions.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Akbar Anugerah Perkasa, Eka Wardhani, Athaya Zahrani Irmansyah Air Limbah Kegiatan Domestik Pada Industri Alas Kaki di Kota Madiun Untuk Penyiraman Ruang Terbuka Hijau2024-06-12T18:23:26+07:00Mohammad Najmi Rafi Suryo<p>The footwear industry in Madiun City is a planned industry. This industry produces domestic wastewater from domestic activities such as employee and guest toilets, canteens, mosques and building cleaning. The domestic wastewater generated is 97,165 m3/day and will be treated by a WWTP with a capacity of 100 m3/day. The technology used in the WWTP is aerobic biofilter and anaerobic biofilter, which is planned to be able to remove BOD, COD, TSS and ammonia. The results of wastewater treatment by the WWTP have met the quality standards in accordance with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 68 of 2016 concerning domestic wastewater quality standards. The required irrigation dose for a land area of 38,102.8 m2 is 0.002 m3/m2. Domestic wastewater from the footwear industry in Madiun City as a whole is used to irrigate the Green Open Space and the frequency of irrigation is 2 times in the dry season and 1 time in the rainy season.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Najmi Rafi Hakim, Yayok Suryo Purnomo Pengaruh Geometrik Jalan Terhadap Potensi Terjadinya Kecelakaan Pada Tikungan Ruas Jl. Lele – Jl. Tingang VI Kota Palangka Raya2024-07-01T13:48:42+07:00Bella Claudia<p>According to the Palangka Raya City Spatial Plan for 2019 - 2039, this road is classified as a secondary collector road, a type of undivided two-lane two-way road. Jl.Lele- Jl.Tingang VI has the characteristics of a rather sharp curve, the width of the road body is not the same, it is bumpy and there is a rather large hole in the road. The purpose of writing this thesis is to analyse the geometric condition of the road at the research site to meet the standards of Bina Marga, to analyse the influence of geometric road conditions on the occurrence of accidents, to provide solutions for handling road geometrics to reduce the potential for accidents at the research site. The result of this study is that the road belongs to road class II B and includes flat terrain. In general, the existing conditions of Jl. Lele-Jl. Tingang VI meet the standards of highways and some do not. What does not meet highway standards is the length of the horizontal curve and the lack of complete traffic signs and road equipment. The treatment is carried out by completing road equipment such as the installation of traffic signals, traffic signs, speed limit warning signs, road markings, lighting equipment, safety fences, delineator signs, noise tape.</p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bella Claudia , Murniati, Robby Perencanaan Pour and Flush Toilet di Kampung Cikoneng Babakan Desa Cibiru Wetan Kabupaten Bandung2024-07-08T11:38:52+07:00Dzakiyyah Afifah Fahmi Farrij1@gmail.comNissa Syakira Putri W1@gmail.comJeremy S. Zebua1@gmail.comMila Dirgawati1@gmail.comAnnisa Ulfa<p>The problem of open defecation (BABS) and the lack of proper toilet infrastructure for the residents of Cikoneng Village, RT 2, Bandung Regency can have a negative impact, especially on the health aspect. The economic situation and lack of public awareness of cleanliness are factors that lead to many latrines being covered only by tarpaulins with bamboo/wooden walls. The communal latrines previously available in Cikoneng village were even less effective due to their non-strategic location and water quantity problems. The purpose of this research is to plan the construction of a Pour and Flush Toilet (PFT) in RT 02 by conducting observations, questionnaires and analysis of technical and non-technical aspects to achieve good sanitation. The results of the research show that 100% of the residents of Kampung Cikoneng RT 2 are aware of the importance of PFT and are willing to participate in the construction, which consists of 4 toilet units and a septic tank with a length of 8.5 m, width of 9 m and depth/height of 8.5 m.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dzakiyyah Afifah Aurora, Muhamad Fahmi Farrij, Nissa Syakira Putri W, Jeremy S. Zebua, Mila Dirgawati, Annisa Ulfa Zakiyyah Zeolit dan Batu Apung Sebagai Media Filter dan Adsorpsi untuk Menyisihkan Salinitas, TDS, Konduktivitas dan TSS Pada Air Payau Menjadi Air Bersih 2024-07-10T21:22:49+07:00Qoriatul Khoiriyah1@gmail.comYayok Suryo<p>Brackish water has a characteristic cloudy yellow colour and a higher pH than fresh water. Not a few residents complain about the condition of the water, which feels brackish to salty, their skin feels sticky after bathing, this is due to the salinity in the water (Ismawan, Sanjoto, & Setyaningsih, 2016). The salinity in brackish water is 0.5-30 ppt, TDS is 1500-6000 ppm. The filtration process uses zeolite and pumice as adsorption media. The sample water is passed through the filtration media from bottom to top and collected in useful as adsorbent because of zeolit and pumice have pores that can bind molecules in water. From the research results, the average value of zeolite media was able to remove salinity of 28.84%, TDS 28.06%, conductivity 28.14% and TSS 92.20%. And pumice stone media is able to remove salinity of 28.57%, TDS 27.81%, conductivity 27.88% and TSS 91.20%. The adsorption capacity value was calculated using the Thomas method and the result obtained for the zeolitic media was 0.059 mg adsorbate/mg adsorbent, while for the pumice stone media it was 0.026 mg adsorbate/mg adsorbent. It can therefore be said that the zeolite media has a greater capacity and removal capacity than pumice.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qoriatul Khoiriyah, Yayok Suryo Purnomo Perilaku Struktur Bangunan Rumah Metode RISHA dan RIKO DitinjauTerhadap Gempa Linier Dinamik Respon Spektrum di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan2024-07-13T14:33:27+07:00Nico A Simanjuntaksimanjuntaknico42@gmail.comOkta<p>Earthquakes are natural disasters that frequently occur in various regions of Indonesia, including South Minahasa Regency and North Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted to determine the structural behaviour of residential buildings using RISHA and RIKO methods in terms of dynamic linear earthquake load response spectrum based on base shear, displacement and floor drift. A quantitative research methodology was used in this study. The project started with a literature review, data collection and structural modelling using the ETABS program. The basic shear force on the Z axis for the RISHA method house is 376,943 kN and for the RIKO method house it is 294,896 kN, according to the analytical results. For the RISHA method house, the maximum displacement value in the x-direction is 3,639 mm and in the y-direction is 2,791 mm, and for the RIKO method house, it is 21,741 mm in the x-direction and 21,976 mm in the y-direction. According to SNI-1726-2019, the story drift that occurs in the RIHA method house structure meets the requirements because its value is less than the ultimate limit of the story drift value of 60 mm. On the other hand, the story drift occurring in the RIKO method house structure does not meet the requirements because its value is greater than the ultimate limit of the story drift value of 60 mm.</p>2024-07-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nico A Simanjuntak, Okta Meilawaty, Frieda Mesin Sealer Box Guna Menunjang Proses Produksi dan Mengurangi Kelelahan Kerja di Perusahaan Percetakan2024-05-02T11:55:01+07:00Alifiah Wulan Syafiraalifiahws@gmail.comHery<p>This company is an industry that operates in the field of printing boxes made of paper such as duplex, ivory, art paper, mirror coated, HVS and the like. This company uses a make-to-order system or what is known as a production strategy where the company makes products based on customer orders. The production process of this company starts from printing, finishing, laminating, gluing, packing and sorting. The problem in this company is in the gluing section, especially when the packing is done manually and in a bent position, which can cause fatigue if done for a long period of time and can lead to certain muscle disorders or musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Therefore, the researcher proposes to design a tool that can support the production of gluing, especially the packaging part, by designing a carton sealing tool so that the packaging process can be speeded up and the level of fatigue caused by an uncomfortable working position can be reduced. This research uses data collection methods by means of interviews and observations of workers' complaints of discomfort, so that the results are complaints of fatigue, namely in the shoulders, back and waist. Based on the results of these observations, it is necessary to design tools to make them more comfortable and increase production output.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alifiah Wulan Syafira, Hery Murnawan Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Sabut Kelapa (Cocopeat) Pada Campuran Agregat Paving Block Terhadap Nilai Daya Serap2024-05-15T13:09:24+07:00Hezliana<p>One of the construction activities in which sand is commonly used is the manufacture of paving blocks, and this is increasing every year as it is used for roads in housing estates, footpaths or paving courtyards. Sand is a fine grain that is physically similar to cocopeat. Cocopeat is a fine powder produced from the destruction of coconut fibre waste. As the physical properties of cocopeat and sand are the same [1], cocopeat has the potential to be used to make paving blocks. The aim of this research is to produce paving blocks with an aggregate mixture of cocopeat, sand, cement, gravel/small stones and water with a composition ratio of cocopeat and sand of 0%, 10%, 25% and 50%. An absorbency test was then carried out on the sample paving blocks and data analysis was carried out to determine the composition of the paving blocks with the best absorbency quality. The research method used was experimental, starting with the collection of materials and the mixing of the composition to make the paving blocks. An absorption test was then carried out on each of the samples produced. The results of this research show that the absorption capacity value obtained from paving blocks with a composition of 0%, 10%, 25% and 50% is 0.07%, 0.28%, 0.66% and 0.55%. On the basis of this absorption capacity value, the paving blocks produced are classified as type A for all compositions in accordance with SNI 03-0691-1996.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hezliana Syahwanti, Irvhaneil, Yufiansyah Jenis dan Karakteristik Limbah B3 dari Industri Smelter Nikel di PT.X2024-06-08T14:58:41+07:00Sah Ahmada Fibrafibraahmada08@gmail.comEka<p>This research is to analyse the types of characteristics Toxic and Hazardous Waste (THW) from the nickel smelting industry at X Company. The research method uses descriptive analysis by identifying the production process and also identifying the types and characteristics of THW at company generated based on the cause, namely THW category 1 and category 2. Meanwhile, the characteristics of THW that company main and supporting facilities, where these supporting facilities include the nickel smelter production process from start to packaging, and also these supporting facilities include a diesel fuel station, generator room, electric power source, clean water supply station, workshop, warehouse, air compressor, storage (stockpile) for products, temporary slag, office building, dining room, laboratory, nitrogen station, liquid oxygen station and oxygen filling room. The types of THW produced are based on categories, namely Category 1 and Category 2 THW. The characteristics of the THW that X Company produces a lot of are THW with toxic characteristics and a small part of THW with characteristics of flammable liquids and flammable solids.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sah Ahmada Fibra, Eka Wardhani Timbulan Emisi Gas Metana dari Kegiatan Penimbunan Sampah di TPA Desa Selopuro Kabupaten Ngawi dengan Metode IPCC 20062024-06-16T22:19:30+07:00Raisya Octavia Putri Priantoraisyaoctavia551@gmail.comRestu Hikmah Ayu<p>Increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions cause global warming. The importance of collecting data on emissions generation, including methane gas emissions (CH<sub>4</sub>) for GHG inventory. This research aims to provide a more accurate estimate of the production potential for methane gas (CH<sub>4</sub>) emissions at the solid waste disposal site in Selopuro, Ngawi Regency. Analysis of the generation of methane gas (CH<sub>4</sub>) emissions from waste landfill activities at SWDS was carried out using the IPCC Waste Model as stated in the guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2006. Methane emissions produced by organic waste were 12.22 tonsCH<sub>4</sub>/month, paper waste 6.60 tonsCH<sub>4</sub>/month, wood waste 2.61 tonsCH<sub>4</sub>/month, textile waste 0.88 tonsCH<sub>4</sub>/month, and rubber and leather waste 2.3 tonsCH<sub>4</sub>/month. If the CH<sub>4</sub> emissions from each type of waste are added up, the resulting estimated CH<sub>4</sub> emissions are 24.61 tonsCH<sub>4</sub>/month. Waste management activities at the integrated waste management site, compost processing and waste reduction by scavengers can reduce methane gas generation by 11.5% so that the potential for methane gas generation drops to 21.79 tonsCH<sub>4</sub>/month or 0.73 tonsCH<sub>4</sub>/day. The reduction in CH<sub>4</sub> emissions can be increased by optimizing waste reduction or utilizing methane gas in landfills.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Raisya Octavia Putri Prianto, Restu Hikmah Ayu Murti Pembuatan Sprocket Adjuster Katazure RS50 B20 Menggunakan Bahan Baja Karbon S45C di PT. XYZ2024-07-02T00:06:54+07:00Arkan Ardiansyah<p>The process of making the Katazure RS50 B20 Sprocket Adjuster using S45C carbon steel at PT. XYZ is research that explores the manufacturing processes and technology involved in the production of these components. The main raw material, S45C carbon steel, was selected to meet the strength and durability requirements required for applications in sprocket adjusters. This research covers the main stages in manufacturing, including cutting the material, forming processes, heating for hardening, and finishing to achieve dimensions and tolerances that comply with technical specifications. In addition, quality aspects such as dimensional control, hardness and material microstructure are also analyzed to ensure the final quality of the Katazure RS50 B20 Sprocket Adjuster. By using S45C carbon steel material and a controlled manufacturing process, this product is expected to provide reliable and long-lasting performance in practical applications. The results of this research are expected to provide valuable insight into the manufacturing process of complex and important machine components such as sprocket adjusters in the modern manufacturing industry.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Arkan Ardiansyah Ardanaputra, Kardiman Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik di PT. X2024-07-08T22:28:25+07:00Dinda Dwi Paramita1@gmail.comEtih<p>PT X is a pulp production company. The company will be located in the province of North Kalimantan and will employ 1220 people. The activities of these employees will generate liquid waste that will pollute the receiving water body and harm human health if the liquid waste is not treated before being discharged into the environment. Therefore, in this design, a Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant (DWWTP) design is carried out so that the liquid waste can be treated to meet the quality standards based on the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 68 of 2016. The method used in this planning is the desk study method, with the planning stages being the calculation of domestic wastewater discharge, the analysis of domestic wastewater quality, the determination of biological unit technology using the Weighted Ranking Technique method, the calculation of the dimensions of each treatment unit, and the drawing of the DWWTP scheme. Based on the calculation results, the maximum domestic wastewater discharge at PT X is 48 m3/day. The alternative biological units compared were the complete mix activated sludge (CMAS) unit, the trickling filter and the moving bed bioreactor (MBBR). The selected series of treatment units are grease trap, basket strainer, clarifier I, CMAS, clarifier II and disinfection tank.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dinda Dwi Paramita, Etih Hartati Pembuatan Holder A38 Carbon Steel S45C Pada PT. XYZ2024-07-11T15:06:45+07:00Daffa Miftah Khoirudinmiftahdaffa43@gmail.comBoni Sena1@gmail.comReza<p>This research investigates the manufacturing process of the A38 bracket using S45C carbon steel. This bracket is important in construction and heavy equipment applications to maintain equipment reliability and performance. The methods used include cutting, drilling and turning using CNC machines. The research results show that this process requires high precision to ensure the dimensions and quality of the final product. Dimensional and quality checks are carried out regularly to meet strict technical standards. CNC technology has proven effective in increasing production efficiency and consistency.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Daffa Miftah Khoirudin, Boni Sena, Reza Setiawan, Ujiburrahman Study of Pb(II) Adsorption on Food-grade κ-Carrageenan Beads2024-07-17T06:55:48+07:00Felice Pricilla Hilmawan1@gmail.comKhalisha Rhea Amalia1@gmail.comMuhammad Chairurrizky1@gmail.comUntung<p>Heavy metal contamination in open waters is one of the most urgent environmental problems that needs to be addressed. Pb(II) ion is a toxic heavy metal ion and is often found contaminating nature. Adsorption is one of the methods that is widely used to overcome heavy metal ion pollution such as Pb(II). One source of material that is low-cost, environmentally friendly, and readily available for use as an adsorbent is carrageenan. Carrageenan is an anionic polysaccharide and is a biopolymer that is widely found in the red algae Rhodophyceae. In this research, the adsorbent of κ-carrageenan beads made from food-grade κ-carrageenan cross-linked with K+ ions was successfully made for the adsorption of Pb(II) ions which was confirmed using FTIR. The adsorbent swelling degree was 25.57% in aqua dm and 83.44% in 100 ppm Pb(II) solution. The results of the adsorption kinetics study show that adsorption follows a pseudo-second order kinetic model with a rate constant of 0.03399 g mg−1 min−1 and an adsorption capacity of 5.48 mg/g.</p>2024-07-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Felice Pricilla Hilmawan, Khalisha Rhea Amalia, Muhammad Iqbal, Syifabudi Chairurrizky, Untung Triadhi Supply Chain Management Guna Mengatasi Tantangan Persediaan Pada Industri Tape di Raja Tape Bondowoso2024-05-06T20:03:03+07:00Puspita Arya Pangastuti Puspitapapangastuti@gmail.comHery<p>The level of competition in the ribbon industry is often discussed today because of the promising business opportunities for ribbons as a souvenir product typical of the town of Bondowoso. In addition, the decline in the availability of cassava raw materials since the Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged tape producers to search for raw materials of the highest quality, resulting in a mismatch between raw material sourcing and demand levels. Raja Tape is one of the MSMEs operating in the food sector in Bondowoso, East Java. Raja Tape often experiences shortages of cassava raw materials. Often, yellow cassava supplies are taken to middlemen even though the price difference is different, resulting in an imbalance between supply and demand in the following period. After conducting observations and interviews with the owner of Raja Tape, the researchers identified supply chain management problems, the first of which was the shortage of yellow cassava raw materials. In addition, the supply chain flow of tape products, starting from raw materials, land requirements and seeds of raw material components needed to fulfil production. The results of this research identified the needs of each component in the tape supply chain, namely land area and cassava, banana and bamboo tree seeds. This was done to determine the optimal requirements for tape supply at Raja Tape.</p>2024-06-19T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Puspita Arya Pangastuti Puspita, Hery Murnawan Aspek Pengelolaan Sampah di TPS 3R Sauyunan Hegarmanah Kecamatan Jatinangor Menggunakan Metode Regresi Logistik2024-05-28T08:32:33+07:00I Made Wahyu Widyarsanaimww.research@gmail.comKhairunisakhairunisast@gmail.comNinne Sevtiana Dewininnesevtianadewi@gmail.comQurratu 'Ainy Meilitaqa.meilita@gmail.comRizal Husni<p>Jatinangor District is a district in Sumedang Regency and has been designated as a higher education strategic area. Due to rapid population growth, household waste production has reached 37,096 tonnes per day. Considering the Local Regulation of Sumedang Regency No. 2/2014 on the Management of Household Waste and Similar Household Waste and the Legal Regulation of the President of Indonesia No. 97/2017 on the National Policy and Strategy for the Management of Household Waste and Similar Household Waste, sustainability is a crucial approach to reduce waste production. However, due to the suboptimal operation of TPS 3R Sauyunan Hegarmanah, a sustainability study of TPS 3R is conducted to determine the factors affecting the sustainability of TPS 3R, considering both technical and non-technical aspects, and to identify models of sustainability aspects of TPS 3R using logistic regression method. The logistic regression analysis, carried out using SPSS software with a 95% confidence level, shows that institutional factors are the most significant in determining the continuity of TPS 3R (p-value = 0.435). Furthermore, the assessment of financial sustainability shows that the average community's ability to pay (ATP) exceeds their willingness to pay (WTP), indicating a lack of perceived urgency among respondents regarding the level of services provided by the TPS 3Rs.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Wahyu Widyarsana, Khairunisa, Ninne Sevtiana Dewi, Qurratu 'Ainy Meilita, Rizal Husni Nurulloh Penguraian Sampah Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Larva Black Soldier Fly dengan Variasi Substrat2024-06-12T18:59:55+07:00Dea Febrica Ervinadeafebrica47760@gmail.comYayok Suryo Qothrunada Zakiayasin<p>The increase in waste generation in Indonesia in 2023 has reached 17,027,843.29 tons/year. The largest source of waste is categorized as food waste composition originating from household activities with 3997.2 tons/year or a percentage of 38.4%. One approach that can overcome this problem is by using Black Soldier Fly larvae. These larvae can obtain energy and nutrients from vegetable scraps, food scraps, animal carcasses, domestic waste and liquid waste as their food source. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of decomposing household waste using BSF larvae and the growth of BSF larvae. This research involves a variety of larval feed from household waste that has not been cooked or has undergone a cooking process as well as waste that contains fiber, carbohydrates and is high in protein. The results showed that BSF larvae with a combination of boiled water spinach, catfish head waste, and stale rice (H1) had the highest reduction value, reaching 90%. Meanwhile, the highest weight gain for BSF larvae was on the substrate of boiled water spinach, catfish head waste, stale rice, and vinegar solution (H2) with an ECD value of 69%.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dea Febrica Ervina, Yayok Suryo Purnomo, Syadzadhiya Qothrunada Zakiayasin Nisa Waktu dan Temperatur Pengeringan Pada Mutu Tepung Wortel (Daucus Carota L)2024-07-01T11:45:57+07:00Risnadi Irawan1@gmail.comMustafa Muchdatul<p>The temperature and time of evaporation are very influential in the production of carrot flour to determine the effect of temperature, drying time and the interaction between the effect of temperature and drying time on the quality of carrot flour produced. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of temperature, drying time and the interaction between the effect of temperature and drying time on the quality of carrot flour produced. In this study, two replications of the Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) factorial were used for data collection and analysis. The three levels of temperature (60, 70 and 80 degrees Celsius) and the three levels of drying time are the variables used.5, 6 and 7 hours. The parameters analysed were water content, ash content, yield of colour organoleptic test, aroma, beta-carotene. The results of the study can be concluded that the effect of temperature has a very significant effect on the analysis of ash content and yield has no significant effect on the analysis of water content and organoleptic tests of colour and aroma. The analysis of yield and organoleptic test of colour is strongly influenced by drying time, but the analysis of water content, ash content and organoleptic test of aroma is not much influenced. The interaction of temperature and drying time has a very significant effect on the analysis of ash content and yield and has no significant effect on the analysis of water content and organoleptic tests of colour and aroma.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Risnadi Irawan, Mustafa Kamal, Hanif Muchdatul Ayunda, Azhar dan Efektivitas Limbah Cair Industri Tahu Sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair Terhadap Pertumbuhan Cabai dan Tomat2024-07-06T15:28:38+07:00Shinta Ajeng Salyndri Hifdzul Aqlys1@gmail.comOkik Hendriyanto<p>Most of the tofu industries in Jombang dump their waste directly into the river. This causes discolouration of the river and unpleasant odours. High organic content in the water can reduce dissolved oxygen (DO) levels and increase pollutant parameters that can harm the environment. Waste recycling can be a way to reduce pollution. With a high organic content, tofu liquid waste has great potential as a fertiliser. The addition of EM4 bioactivator in the production of fertiliser can help the fermentation process with the aim of improving the quality of soil structure. This study aims to determine the potential and effectiveness of liquid organic fertilizer produced from tofu liquid waste. The research method used was a field experiment with a quantitative approach. The experiment starts with the production of liquid organic fertilizer from tofu liquid waste, which is then applied to chilli (Capsicum frutescens L) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) plants, and there is a control (no treatment or fertilizer) for comparison. The observation results show that the liquid organic fertilizer (POC) from tofu liquid waste is very influential on the growth of chilli and tomato, especially in the vegetative period.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Shinta Ajeng Salyndri Hifdzul Aqlys, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyanugroho Jejak Karbon Dari Aktivitas Transportasi di Universitas Andalas2024-07-10T14:57:40+07:00Yega Aditya Putra1@gmail.comResti Ayu Lestari1@gmail.comVera Surtia<p>Increasing Green House Gases (GHG), including Carbon Dioxide (CO₂), have the potential to increase global temperatures, thereby causing climate change. Total CO₂ from human activities, for example transportation, electricity generation, industry, trade and agriculture, is expressed as a carbon footprint. Andalas University (Unand) has facilities that produce GHGs. This research aims to analyze the carbon footprint in Unand in the transportation sector. Samples were taken at the main gate (point 1) and back gate (point 2) Unand. For these two locations, the number of vehicles and fuel is calculated using the direct calculation method. The carbon footprint calculation refers to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The next step is to identify the potential for GHG reduction in Unand. The alternative GHG reduction observed is the absorption of CO₂ by vegetation. The research results show that the total carbon footprint on the Limau Manis Unand Campus is 2,221,020 kgCO₂eq/year from Point 1 and Point 2. The total CO₂ eq absorption capacity by vegetation on the Limau Manis Unand Campus is 9,297,557.51 kgCO₂ equivalent/year. When compared with the total CO₂ eq from transportation activities, the potential for reducing CO2 eq by vegetation is quite large. So, the Unand Campus road vegetation is still sufficient to reduce the 'contribution' of CO₂ eq from transportation activities in Unand to greenhouse gases. However, it is necessary to consider other possible sources of CO₂ besides transportation and the need to maintain existing vegetation.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yega Serlina, Fadhil Aditya Putra, Resti Ayu Lestari, Vera Surtia Bachtiar Potential of Aloe Vera Application as Coagulant in Reduce PAC Consumption in Drinking Water Treatment Process2024-07-12T18:36:01+07:00Yaniza Dela Dazadazzadela7@gmail.comTemmy<p>This study investigates the use of aloe vera as an alternative coagulant to PAC in the treatment of the Tarum Barat Canal, which is vital to local communities but faces declining water quality due to upstream land use changes and human activities. The aim is to assess the potential of aloe vera to reduce the consumption of PAC in drinking water treatment and to determine the optimal dosage for effective turbidity reduction and pH regulation. Primary data were collected through laboratory experiments evaluating key water indicators, while secondary data from PT. X provided additional insight into the canal's water quality from January to July 2023. The results show that PAC alone achieves a turbidity removal efficiency of 96.76%, while the combination of Aloe Vera and PAC achieves 95.03%. Both treatments maintain pH levels within the safe range set by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The optimum dosage was found to be 17 ppm PAC with 180 ppm Aloe Vera, which meets drinking water standards and reduces PAC use by 56.25%.</p>2024-07-12T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yaniza Dela Daza, Temmy Wikaningrum Sistem dan Infrastruktur Persampahan di Kabupaten Gunung Mas Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah2024-05-14T11:15:05+07:00Gusti Iqbal Yoga<p>The quality of waste is tending towards more difficult types of waste, due to changes in food handling techniques and consumer goods that use non-degradable packaging such as plastic. Existing waste management concepts are sometimes not suitable for implementation. The waste generation in Gunung Mas Regency is 17.71 tonnes/day with an estimated waste generation of 0.9 litres/person/day and a waste specific gravity of 0.15 tonnes/m3. In urban areas it is 6.65 tons/day and in rural areas it is 11.07 tons/day, with the waste composition being 80% organic and 20% inorganic. The total amount of waste produced is 2426 tons/year and the amount disposed of in landfills is 2190 tons/year. This amount represents 90.27% of the total generation. The amount of unmanaged waste is 236 tons/year or 9.73% of the total generation. Waste management services are only available in urban areas, while 62.5% of unmanaged waste is generated in rural areas. The high value of managed waste in landfills is due to the lack of a processing or reduction function. Infrastructures that function as efforts to reduce waste are TPS 3R, TPST and Waste Bank. The existence of this infrastructure is the responsibility of all parties as it is related to the environment.</p>2024-06-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gusti Iqbal Tawaqal, Rudy Yoga Lesmana Pengaturan Pembangkit Hidro Kaskade Sungai Brantas untuk Meningkatkan Cascade Effectiveness2024-06-05T20:15:07+07:00Mochammad Syaiful<p>Hydropower with a cascade scheme utilises the energy potential of water in a sustainable manner. The Brantas River area is used to generate 4 (four) hydropower plants (HEPP) that are arranged in series from upstream to downstream, namely Sengguruh HEPP, Sutami HEPP, Wlingi HEPP and Lodoyo HEPP. From December 2022 to November 2023, the four hydropower plants can produce 888,629,472 kWh of electricity. However, there is still potential for electricity generation that can be optimised from the unused water potential (spillway water) of 553.61 million m3. The optimisation management system provides a solution for utilising water energy sources by formulating a mathematical model using Solver in the Microsoft Excel application to plan the water level of the Sutami reservoir, hydropower load settings and peak/off-peak times at each hydropower plant. By implementing an optimisation, electrical energy production has the potential to reach 951,796,287 kWh or an increase of 7.11% in the period December 2022 to November 2023 by minimising the occurrence of spillway water by up to 92.40% or 551.61 million m3. As a result, the cascade efficiency of the hydropower plants of the Brantas River cascade was increased by 2.87% or 0.003 kWh/m3.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mochammad Syaiful Bakri, Margianto, Nur Robbi, Mochammad Basjir Beban Kerja dengan Metode Work Sampling Pada Pegawai Bidang Akademik (Studi Kasus: Fakultas Teknik di Perguruan Tinggi X)2024-06-15T13:02:33+07:00Hery Murnawan1@gmail.comFebrian<p>Workload is a measure of each individual's performance of their duties and authority according to the SOP, within the specified working hours, and the results must meet the target. Workload can refer to the level of productivity and performance of employees in an organisation. The Faculty Unit at College X is one of the work units under the auspices of the Rector of the College. This research uses the observation method as a data collection technique and the work sampling method as a data analysis method. The results of the research show that the educational staff with the position of administrative implementer of the 1st civil engineering study programme have the highest workload with 86.6%, and the lowest workload belongs to the administrative implementer of the 1st civil engineering study programme with 58.1%. The average standard time needed to complete an activity is 22.9 minutes, so it is recommended to have an even distribution of workload.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Febrian Lestari, Hery Murnawan Life Cycle Assessment Proses Produksi Dore Bullion Pertambangan Emas di Jawa Barat2024-07-01T16:40:47+07:00Rizal Hardiansyahrizalportabel97@gmail.comAdhi Yuniarto1@gmail.comSyaiful Habib1@gmail.comEva Roslina<p>Gold is one of the largest mining products in Indonesia, amounting to 34,39 tons in 2022. In addition, gold is considered to be one of the safest investment instruments currently. The main raw material for gold production is dore bullion, namely metal bars containing gold and silver. Dore bullion production has various impacts on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies. High levels of dore bullion production cause high use of fuel, energy, raw materials, and emissions, so it is necessary to analyze and identify the impact of the precious metal production process using the LCA method. The impacts produced in this research are midpoint and endpoint impacts based on the ReCiPe 2016 (H) method for the cradle-to-gate scope. This LCA study examined 14 midpoint and 3 endpoint impacts. The dominant midpoint impact results are mineral resource scarcity (149,581,850,000 kg Cu eq), water consumption (167.905,36 m<sup>3</sup>), and global warming (4.514.295,80 kg CO<sup>2</sup> eq), while the endpoint impacts are resources (34.608.348.000 USD2013), human health (4,7626 DALY), and ecosystem quality (0,0150 species.yr). The largest impact contributors were the drilling process unit (mineral resource scarcity), milling process unit (water consumption), and dewatering process unit (global warming).</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizal Hardiansyah, Adhi Yuniarto, Syaiful Habib, Eva Roslina Sari Konsentrasi pH dan Aluminium dari Air Minum Olahan Rumah Tangga di Kost X dan Kost Y Kota Batam2024-07-08T22:15:54+07:00Roselyn Indah Kurniatiindahroselyn@gmail.comLina<p>The availability of water resources and the demand for drinking water must be managed effectively. Poor drinking water quality will cause adverse effects on humans. This study aims to determine the pH and aluminum parameters of the processed independent drinking water in Kost X and Kost Y Batam City. The research was conducted by taking drinking water samples in 2 locations, Kost X and Kost Y, 6 times within 6 months. Aluminum concentration analysis refers to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (2017) and pH using a pH meter directly after sampling. The analysis results obtained were compared with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 concerning Drinking Water Quality Requirements, which is 0.2 mg/L for aluminum and pH 6.5-8.5. The results of the pH concentration analysis in Boarding House X ranged from 7.1-8.4 and Boarding House Y ranged from 6.8-7.9, while the results of the aluminum concentration analysis in Boarding House X ranged from 0.08-0.102 mg/L and in Boarding House Y ranged from 0.093-0.112 mg/L. The results showed that the pH and aluminum concentrations have not exceeded the standard based on Permenkes No. 492 of 2010.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Roselyn Indah Kurniati, Lina Hanarisanty Kinerja Pengelolaan Sampah Daerah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur, Sulawesi Utara2024-07-11T12:28:26+07:00Muh. Nuruzzaman Hattam1@gmail.comBieby Voijant<p>Environmental management plays an important role in regional development by supporting sustainable development. One of the challenges in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency is the problem of waste management in the form of limited waste management facilities and infrastructure, especially the availability of landfills. Based on these conditions, in order to determine the effectiveness of waste management, it is necessary to conduct research on waste management performance in the Regency. Boltim. Efforts to assess waste management performance in Kab. Boltim include: first, analysing service aspects based on normative standards by comparing data on the amount of waste transported, the population served and the area served; and based on the concept of environmental sustainability, a quantitative descriptive analysis of the community's views on various aspects that influence waste management. Based on normative standards, the waste management performance in Kab. Boltim was 10.23% of the waste transported, covering an area of 21.64%. Waste management in the district. Boltim does not support the application of the concept of environmental sustainability in all aspects of waste management.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Nuruzzaman Hattam, Bieby Voijant Tangahu Keberlanjutan Sistem Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik Terpusat Skala Permukiman2024-07-16T10:42:53+07:00M. Rafly Sarully Hidayatmurasahidhidayat@gmail.comAhmad Soleh<p>Domestic activities around DAS Citarum cause significant pollution and environmental damage. One of the strategies implemented is the treatment of domestic wastewater through SPALD-T on a settlement scale and one of the beneficiaries is Sindangpakuon village. Over time, there have been changes in the management structure, roles and activities of KPP as managers. An analysis was carried out to assess the impact of the completeness and activity of the KPP on its sustainability. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, questionnaires in analysing technical, institutional, financial, social-community participation, environmental aspects using RAPFISH and SWOT methods to diagnose and develop sustainability strategies. In the technical aspect of SPALD-T RW 06, 07 is considered quite sustainable and RW 10 is not sustainable, in the institutional aspect of all RWs is considered quite sustainable, in the financial aspect of RW 06 is considered quite sustainable and RW 07, 10 is not sustainable, in the social-community participation aspect of all RWs is considered quite sustainable and in the environmental aspect of RW 06, 07 is considered quite sustainable and RW 10 is sustainable. A strategy that can be applied by all SPALD-T is an aggressive strategy that uses strength to take advantage of opportunities. The research is expected to be one of the inputs for stakeholders in assessing and preparing sustainability strategies for community-based domestic sanitation programmes.</p>2024-07-16T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 M. Rafly Sarully Hidayat, Ahmad Soleh Setiyawan Bangun Mesin Pemisah Kerupuk Mawar Guna Meningkatkan Output Pada Proses Pemisahan Kerupuk2024-05-03T19:29:05+07:00Muhammad Naufal Ramadaninaufalrama1206@gmail.comErni Puspanantasari Putri<p>Mr Rizal's MSME is located in Jerukgamping Village, Krian Sub-District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, processing the production of rose crackers from raw goods to finished products takes a maximum of 1 day and a maximum of 2 days. This is because there is a drying process that still relies on the sun's heat. The separation process Crackers that are done manually result in the resulting output not being optimal because the process takes quite a long time so it cannot be finished on the same day and must be continued the next morning. With the problems that occur in Mr. Rizal's cracker MSMEs, the researcher provides a solution to speed up the process of separating crackers that are still stuck to each other and only requires 1 worker. The solution used for the problems that exist in Mr. Rızal's rose cracker MSMEs is to carry out anthropometric and percentile calculations. which is used to determine the dimensions of the rose cracker separating machine. The cracker separating machine is designed using dimensions from anthropometry and the 50th percentile of workers so that it can be seen that the height of the machine frame is 103.5 cm, the diameter of the cracker separating tube is 67.25 cm, the height of the cracker exit path is 92.9 cm after it is done. In the experiment there was a comparison of the output of crackers that had been separated. The output before design was 113.5 kg, requiring 200 minutes with an output per minute of 0.6 kg. Meanwhile, the output after design was 150 kg, requiring 60 minutes with an output per minute of 2.5 kg.</p>2024-06-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Naufal Ramadani, Erni Puspanantasari Putri Prioritas Perbaikan Infrastruktur Dasar Desa Pematang Tujuh Kecamatan Rasau Jaya Kabupaten Kubu Raya2024-05-25T21:41:33+07:00Heri<p>Adequate village infrastructure can facilitate all social and economic activities of the community. The overall objective of this study was to identify the priorities and strategies for infrastructure improvement in the village of Pematang Tujuh. Data were collected through observation and interviews. Data analysis includes priority analysis and strategies for infrastructure improvement. This study found that the priority for infrastructure improvement is the agricultural sector with an accessibility score of 11.32. The priority for improving access in the agricultural sector is to repair/improve farm roads and market access roads. Road improvements will be carried out by improving the quality of roads through concrete or asphalt paving, and by widening village roads so that they can be used by four-wheeled vehicles. Transport facilities are needed in the market sector with an accessibility score of 10.68. Improving the accessibility of transport facilities takes the form of organising public transport or village transport as a means of village transport. Treatment in terms of priority facilities is carried out in the clean water sector with a facility accessibility value of 16.57. Strategies to improve accessibility in the clean water sector can be done by adding rainwater reservoirs (PAH) or installing clean water networks.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Heri Azwansyah Kecepatan Lalu Lintas dan Fasilitas Jalan (Studi Kasus: Jl. Raya Karang Anyar – Jl. PTPN VII Trikora Lampung Selatan)2024-06-11T14:11:02+07:00Galuh<p>The Karang Anyar Road - PTPN VII Trikora Anyar Road in South Lampung does not have adequate facilities. There are no street lights and road markings are not clearly visible. This situation can endanger the safety of drivers. In this study, the evaluation conducted includes evaluation of traffic speed and adequacy of road facilities to minimise traffic accidents. The research method broadly includes preparation, literature review and site identification, followed by conducting the research, namely speed and road facility adequacy surveys. The results of the survey on signs and markings in the current conditions show a lack of road facilities, including the absence of traffic lights and road control and safety devices. Other facilities such as warning signs are present. Street lighting is still inadequate as it is only present at a few points and does not provide adequate lighting for the Karang Anyar Road - PTPN VII Trikora Anyar Road in South Lampung. Vehicle speed shows that the speeds of vehicles passing through Karang Anyar Road are as follows: Light Vehicles (LV) at 27.69 km/h, Heavy Vehicles (HV) at 20.69 km/h, and Motorcycles (MC) at 40.67 km/h.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Galuh Pramita Risiko Lingkungan, Sosial Ekonomi, dan Kesehatan Akibat Pelepasan Polusi Termal Air Bahang PLTU Paiton2024-07-01T11:20:13+07:00Rohmah Iftitah Sa’idatul Izzah1@gmail.comHarmin Sulistyaning<p>Paiton Power Station uses surface water for the cooling system. The seawater flowing into the heat exchanger system is returned to the water body and has higher water temperature characteristics than the natural temperature of seawater. There is a recorded change in the temperature of the waters around the Paiton PLTU due to the discharge of hot water at the outlet water discharge reaching 6.50C. The impact of hot water discharge on aquatic ecosystems has become an important issue in marine and environmental protection. The assessment of environmental risks caused by hot water was carried out using a qualitative method based on monitoring data from PLTU Paiton. The aspects assessed include ecological, socio-economic and health aspects. The identification of risks due to the release of hot water resulted in 15 risks. Based on the risk level assessment, 3 low risks, 1 medium risk, 5 high risks and 6 very high risks were obtained. In terms of risk acceptability, there are 2 unacceptable risks associated with increased water temperature. The mitigation measures that need to be taken are a reassessment of the licensing of the temperature limit of the hot water that can be discharged into the waters.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rohmah Iftitah Sa’idatul Izzah, Harmin Sulistyaning Titah, Shade Rahmawati Tata Letak Fasilitas dan Tata Letak Produk di Gudang Marketplace Perusahaan Bloods Industries2024-07-06T15:00:34+07:00Yohanes Arifinyohanes2884@gmail.comAnggoro Prasetyo<p>Bloods Industries is a company engaged in the production and distribution of ready-made clothing in Bandung. The clothing is distributed from warehouses located in the city. These warehouses include an offline store warehouse and a marketplace warehouse. Observations of the marketplace warehouse revealed a lack of order in product placement, with many items lying on the floor. This study aims to design the layout of the facilities and product placement in the marketplace warehouse to minimise the distance travelled to place and retrieve products. The design process uses the Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) method to understand the relationships between facilities, the Total Closeness Rating (TCR) method to identify priority facilities, the ABC classification method with a popularity principle to determine frequently rotated products, and the Dedicated Storage, Class Based Storage method to place products in fixed positions due to the availability of many facilities. The redesign results in a new layout for both facilities and product placement, significantly reducing travel distances. The initial travel distance before the redesign was 441.9 m over an area of 13.9 m x 7.1 m. And the new travel distance is 176.83m in an area of 10.2m x 12.1m.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yohanes Arifin, Anggoro Prasetyo Utomo Kekuatan Bending Akibat Variasi Arus Pengelasan SMAW Pada Sambungan Pipa Api 5L GR.B SCH 802024-07-09T12:28:13+07:00Tatang Rendi Sanjayatatangrendis@gmail.comRatna Dewi Anjani1@gmail.comNanang<p>In this research, we use experimental research to determine the characteristics of a material, namely API 5L Grade B sch 80 pipe, using variations in welding current using SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) welding to determine the effect of variations in SMAW welding current on the value of liquid penetrant test results, radiographic test and mechanical properties of bending tests on API 5L Grade B sch 80 pipe material. It can be concluded that welding with variations in current strength of 80 A gives an average value of 396.381 MPa from the bending test results. Meanwhile, when the current variation is 100 A, it is known that the result of the current variation of 100 A is 652.315 MPa. It is known that when the amperage is varied by 120 A, the value of the bending test results is smaller than when the amperage is varied by 80 A, and when the amperage is varied by 100 A, the average value of the amperage variation by 12 A is 286.744 MPa. In conclusion, since there are no defects in this liquid penetrant test that could be dangerous or cause leakage, the welding results can be used or continued. There are deficiencies in the test results, but the NDT inspector with certification number SNS/PT/RN-23008 can still approve them. </p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tatang Rendi Sanjaya, Ratna Dewi Anjani, Nanang Burhan of Energy Transition Implications on Social Aspects of Surabaya City2024-07-11T16:00:33+07:00Kania Salsabilah Nur Rifanda1@gmail.comArie Dipareza Syafeiasyafei@gmail.comRudy<p>Based on the latest data for 2022-2023, climate change-related natural disasters in Indonesia have increased quite significantly. Climate change is caused by high levels of greenhouse gases (GHG) accumulating in the atmosphere. Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia, contributes a high amount of GHG, while Indonesia has committed to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which will result in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 29% in 2030. Energy transformation is an alternative. It is important to support it, but society needs to prepare to implement the transition to a modern, reliable and low-carbon energy system globally. At least three factors are driving the energy transition: environmental, social and economic. Therefore, the research was carried out by analysing social impact projections using quantitative questionnaire methods. The energy transition has an impact on social aspects, as shown by the percentage of public acceptance of 75.11%. The level of acceptance by the people of Surabaya City regarding the impact of energy transformation is quite high with a percentage of 83.02%.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kania Salsabilah Nur Rifanda, Arie Dipareza Syafei, Rudy Rahmaddi Willingness to Pay untuk Peningkatan Pelayanan PDAM Tirta Bangka dengan menggunakan Contingent Valuation Method2024-07-25T12:54:39+07:00Suldin Satriapriyaldisuldin.satriapriyaldi7@gmail.comKancitra<p>PDAM Tirta Bangka had a poor service performance and health level in 2017, which showed that the existing service system was still underperforming. At the end of 2019, there were still customer complaints that showed customer dissatisfaction with the existing services. Therefore, an analysis was needed for the improvement of the Water Treatment Plant (WaTP) system. The research aims to analyse the willingness to pay (WTP) of Sungailiat and Pemali WaTP customers for the improvement of the drinking water supply system of PDAM Tirta Bangka. The method used was Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) through a questionnaire with bidding game technique. The number of respondents who were directly interviewed was 98 KK, divided into 24 KK in the service area of Sungailiat WaTP and 74 KK in the service area of Pemali WaTp. The average value of WTP obtained in the Sungailiat WaTP area was Rp. 175,250 and the total WTP was Rp. 24,600,442. Pemali Watp have an average Rp. 144.730 with total WTP was Rp. 43.816.757. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis; The WTP value at Sungailiat WaTP were influenced by watered bills, chlorine smell, and hours of drainage. Meanwhile, the factors influencing Pemali Watp were water bills and sediment.</p>2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suldin Satriapriyaldi, Kancitra Pharmawati Implementasi Strategi Creating Shared Value dalam Pengelolaan Limbah Ex - Blasting PT INKA (Persero)2024-05-09T17:30:48+07:00Andhyanerra Irsia Prasasti21034010116@gmail.comOkik Hendriyanto<p>PT INKA (Persero) is an industry that operates in the field of railway manufacturing. One of the programs consistently carried out by PT INKA (Persero) is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR is a commitment by the company to care for sustainable development and provide numerous benefits from social, economic, legal and environmental aspects. The CSR program is oriented towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Not Only CSR, but recently several companies or industries have implemented the Creating Shared Value (CSV) strategy, where CSV is a concept of CSR that realizes shared value beneficial to both society and the company. This study focuses on the reuse of <em>ex – blasting </em>waste as paving blocks as strategy for CSV.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andhyanerra Irsia Prasasti, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho Life Cycle Assessment Untuk Kajian Dampak Lingkungan Pada Instalasi Pengolahan Air Bersih2024-06-03T11:59:38+07:00Muhammad Purnama Adjipurnamaadji08@gmail.comMunawar<p>Water treatment plants (WTPs) are critical to providing clean, safe and compliant drinking water. However, the use of chemicals and electrical energy in the process can have a negative impact on the environment. This study examines the environmental impact of WTPs using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and SimaPro software. The study aims to investigate how the process of treating clean water affects the environment and to provide a more environmentally friendly replacement for WTP. SimaPro 9.0 is used in the LCA technique of environmental impact assessment. This includes defining the objectives and parameters of the study, collecting data (Life Cycle Inventory), analysing the results (Life Cycle Impact Assessment) and interpreting the data. According to the results of the analysis, the reservoir and lamella units are the main sources of impacts in the Endpoint Impact category. The impacts produced by the Impact 2002+ and ReCiPe 2016 approaches differed, with ReCiPe 2016 showing stronger impacts in certain categories. This study sheds light on how the WTP's clean water treatment process impacts the environment. Reducing the use of chemicals, increasing energy efficiency and implementing environmentally friendly technologies are some suggestions for improvement.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Purnama Adji, Munawar Ali Penambahan Essential Oil Tumbuhan Cananga odorata sebagai Bahan Anestesi pada Transportasi Sistem Tertutup Benih Ikan Bileh (Rasbora sp.)2024-06-15T09:57:08+07:00Fitria Barru Airil Fizra<p>The bileh fish (Rasbora sp.) is one of the freshwater fish of economic value in West Aceh and Nagan Raya districts. Domestication efforts are being intensively carried out in a controlled environment so that bileh fish can be cultivated. Bileh fish require proper handling during seed transport as they are susceptible to stress and death during transport. One attempt to solve this problem is the addition of local plant essential oils in packaging media. This study aims to determine the effect of Cananga odorata plant essential oil added as an anaesthetic in the transport of bileh fish seeds on induction time, recovery and survival rate. The treatment in this research was the use of Cananga odorata flower essential oil at concentrations of 0.5 ppm (A), 1 ppm (B), 1.5 ppm (C) and 2 ppm (D). The test fish were observed and the time of induction, recovery and survival were calculated. The results showed that the essential oil of Cananga ordorata plant can be used as an anaesthetic agent in the transport of bileh fish seeds with the best concentration, namely 1 ppm (treatment B) with a survival rate after transport were 90.67% and after cultivation after transport were 81.33%. Fish reached induction time in less than 10 minutes except in treatment A (0.5 ppm) and fish recovery time in less than 8 minutes.</p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fitria Rahmayanti, Agusriati Muliyana, M. Barru Airil Fizra Hasibuan, Mahendra, Munandar, Irhami S Penentuan Material Alat Pemotong Ring Gelas Plastik AMDK: Sebuah Analisis Pendekatan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)2024-07-01T15:29:16+07:00Eko Ari Nur Wahyu Hidayah1@gmail.comEka Samsul Ma’arif1@gmail.comSusanti Sundari1@gmail.comImam Samsul Ma’<p>The landfill problem caused by plastic glass water bottle waste has become a serious concern in the last decade. The right processing process can be a solution to these problems, especially in the process of separating plastic glass components. The purpose of this study is to prioritise the main material alternatives used in the plastic glass ring cutter. The required material selection criteria consist of four, namely: material strength, material weight, environmental resistance and cost of raw materials and manufacturing processes. The specified material alternatives are: mild steel (SS41), aluminium and polymer (nylon). Based on the weighting determined by the experts and data processing using the AHP method, the first priority alternative material is aluminium with a value of 0.432 or 43.2%, the second is mild steel (SS41) with a value of 0.367 or 36.7% and the third is polymer (nylon) with a value of 0.201 or 36.7%. Based on these results, the main priority for the use of alternative materials in the AMDK plastic glass ring cutting tool is aluminium.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eko Ari Wibowo, Muhammad Nur Wahyu Hidayah, Eka Samsul Ma’arif, Susanti Sundari, Imam Samsul Ma’arif Kesesuaian Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Pada PT. X Kabupaten Bekasi2024-07-08T15:11:58+07:00Zalfa Dziaul Hassalumzalfadzia@gmail.comVenny Ulya<p>One company in the Bekasi Regency that specializes in handling toxic and hazardous waste is called PT X (B3). It is mandatory for all companies or activities that generate B3 waste to handle the waste in accordance with approved protocols. The Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry (PERMENLHK) No. 6 of 2021, which addresses the storage, collection, transportation, and processing of B3 waste, is one of the laws governing the management of B3 waste. B3 waste collection and transportation are the operations of PT X. It's critical to recognize and assess current methods in hazardous waste management in order to guarantee compliance with relevant requirements. The aim of this research is to assess PT. X's degree of adherence to hazardous waste management standards. The evaluation and observation results demonstrate that PT. X didn't follow to all of the guidelines outlined in PERMENLHK No. 6 of 2021 and PERMENLH No. 14 of 2013, particularly with regard to the labeling and symbol installation on hazardous waste.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zalfa Dziaul Hassalum, Venny Ulya Bunga Kandungan Fosfat dan Variabilitas Laju Aliran Udara pada Pembentukan Struvite dari Air Limbah Pupuk2024-07-11T11:16:29+07:00Indah Nur Fauziyyah1@gmail.comOkik Hendriyanto<p>Phosphate and Ammonia rich fertilizer wastes pose potential environmental problems. Depletion of natural phosphate sources encourages the search for sustainable alternatives. This study examined phosphate recovery from fertilizer plant effluent using struvite (MgNH<sub>4</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>-6H<sub>2</sub>O) in a batch vertical reactor. The factors studied were pH, temperature, air flow rate, and solution molar ratio. Struvite is formed by reacting Mg<sup>2+</sup>, NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>, and PO<sub>4</sub><sup>3-</sup> ions. This study used MgCl<sub>2</sub> : waste molar ratios of 2:1, 2.5:1, and 3:1, air flow rates of 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 L/min, and pH of 8, 9, 10, and 11. The MAP solution with the specified molar ratio was introduced into the reactor up to 3⁄4 of its volume. The air flow rate and pH were set according to the parameters. The MAP solution was collected and filtered to produce struvite. Struvite crystals were analyzed by XRF and SEM. Results showed the best phosphate recovery of 67.3% at a ratio of 2.5:1, air flow rate of 1.00 L/min, and pH of 10. This study demonstrates the potential of struvite as a sustainable phosphate recovery solution from fertilizer waste.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Indah Nur Fauziyyah, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho of the Function of City Parks as Public Open Space in Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh2024-07-15T15:59:51+07:00Farisa Sabila1@gmail.comZainuddin1@gmail.comPutri<p>Parks are part of green open spaces (RTH) and public non-green open spaces (RTNH), which are used for various activities such as recreation, education and sports. Meuraxa sub-district has a public green space area of 11,442 ha with types of parks, greenways, green belts and cemeteries under the maintenance and management of Banda Aceh City Government [1]. Green spaces in Meuraxa sub-district are currently used for recreation, education, sports and various social interaction activities. This research was conducted to identify the function of Meuraxa Sub-district Park based on its characteristics and community perceptions regarding the existing park functions. The analysis in this study used scoring method, descriptive statistical method and descriptive method. The sampling method used in this research is non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling type with a total sample of 100 respondents. This research has assessed the overall condition of the park which shows a fairly good level of optimality. Some key indicators such as cleanliness, availability of facilities and visitor comfort have met the expected standards. The results of the surveys and observations show that the park has become a place of interest and is frequently visited by the community. However, some parks in the study sites still do not meet the appropriate standards and their use is not optimal in environmental, social, aesthetic and economic terms.</p>2024-07-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Farisa Sabila, Zainuddin, Putri Aryastiana Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Menggunakan Mikroalga dalam Menyisihkan Amonia (NH3-N) dan Fosfat (PO4) Pada Air Limbah Tahu2024-05-03T11:50:49+07:00Asmawati Asmawatiasmawati0015@gmail.comYayok Suryo<p>The tofu industry produces wastewater containing high levels of ammonia (NH3-N) and phosphate (PO4). High levels of pollutants cause water pollution when tofu wastewater is discharged directly into the environment. An alternative biological treatment to overcome this problem is to use the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata suspended and attached to form a biofilm in the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR). This research aims to determine the effect of variations in media, media volume and sampling time on the reduction of NH3-N and PO4 levels in tofu wastewater using the MBBR system with the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata continuously. The MBBR reactor was operated with different sponge media of 20%, 30% and 40%; bioball media of 20%, 30% and 40%; and sampling time variations of 0, 4, 8, 12 hours (after 24 hours HRT). The research results showed that variations in the type of sponge media, with a media volume of 20% of the wastewater volume, were best at degrading ammonia and phosphate in tofu wastewater with an operating time of 12 hours. The highest percentage of ammonia and phosphate removal achieved in a 20% sponge media at the 12th hour of sampling was 90.83% and 72.45% with parameter values of 0.43 ????????/???? and 7.5 ????????/???? respectively.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asmawati Asmawati, Yayok Suryo Purnomo Proses Aerasi dan Penggunaan Adsorben Cangkang Telur Bebek & Kepiting dalam Penurunan Fe, Mn, TDS, TOC Pada Air Tanah2024-05-23T10:32:17+07:00Himmatul Aliyah Rosydihimmalya12@gmail.comMunawar Alimunawar1960@gmail.comMuhammad Abdus Salam<p>The parameters of Fe, Mn, TDS and TOC contained in the groundwater around the coast of Gresik Regency can cause unpleasant odours when exposed to air, yellow stains on clothes and health problems for people who consume groundwater. The process of aeration and adsorption treatment can be an alternative to reduce the level of pollutants in groundwater by using crab shells and duck egg shells as adsorbents. The study was conducted by comparing 2 treatment processes, the aeration treatment process using variations in aeration time of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes and the adsorption treatment process using variations in the type of duck and crab eggshell adsorbents. The adsorption process also uses variations in sampling time of 20 minutes, 40 minutes and 60 minutes. In the aeration process, the maximum aeration time for removal of Fe, Mn, TDS and TOC occurs at an aeration time of 45 minutes. The percentage allowance for Fe was 91.4%. The percentage allowance for Mn was 28.6%. The percentage of TDS release was 68.2%. The percentage of TOC addition is 20.8%. In the adsorption process, the maximum sampling time is 40 minutes. The percentage of Fe removal using duck and crab eggshell adsorbents was 97.8% and 99.2%, Mn was 75.7% and 82.7%, TDS was 84.5% and 94.1%, TOC was 74.6% and 81%. The percentage of adsorbent increases as the stirring time increases, allowing the adsorption process to run properly and optimally.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Himmatul Aliyah Rosydi, Munawar Ali, Muhammad Abdus Salam Jawwad of Antibiotic Trimethoprim Adsorption by Granular Activated Carbon2024-06-09T15:39:47+07:00Fauzan Razansyahfrazansyah@gmail.comMindriany Syafila1@gmail.comMarisa<p>The presence of antibiotics in aquatic environments has been known to lead to the development of bacteria with resistant genes. One type of antibiotic that has been found in the environment is trimethoprim, necessitating methods to remove this substance from the environment. Adsorption is a process that has been extensively studied in the field of water remediation. This study aims to investigate the adsorption of trimethoprim by granular activated carbon (GAC). Experiments were conducted by creating artificial wastewater containing distilled water and trimethoprim, which was then contacted with the adsorbent with variations in pH and trimethoprim concentration measured periodically up to the 3rd hour. Trimethoprim detection was performed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The contact time required to reach equilibrium increased with the initial concentration of trimethoprim. The variations in initial trimethoprim concentrations of 5, 10, 20, 35, and 50 mg/L reached adsorption equilibrium after a contact time of 180 minutes with a GAC mass of 3 grams. All the percentages of trimethoprim removal after the contact time of 180 minutes at various concentrations used in this study were above 98%. The pH level has been proven to affect the trimethoprim removal process. The pseudo-second-order kinetic model has a high correlation with the adsorption process of trimethoprim by GAC. The isotherm model suitable for the interaction between trimethoprim and GAC was the Freundlich model.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzan Razansyah, Mindriany Syafila, Marisa Handajani Sebaran Emisi Total Suspended Particulate Menggunakan Software Aermod di Jalan Raya Tandes2024-06-19T18:32:32+07:00Aditya Rizky Dwicahyaar270364@gmail.comOkik Hendriyanto<p>Increased transportation activities in this city cause air pollutant emissions, one of which is Total Suspended Particulate (TSP), which has an impact on air quality. This study aims to measure TSP concentration and map its distribution. Data on TSP concentration, air temperature, wind speed, and air humidity were collected using instruments such as High Volume Air Sampler (HVAS), hygrometer, and anemometer. TSP concentrations were modeled with AERMOD based on the obtained data and associated meteorological conditions. The results showed that TSP concentrations varied significantly depending on traffic volume and weather, with the highest concentration of 184.8 μg/m3 at point 1 on the first day and the lowest of 9.7 μg/m3 at point 5 on the second day. The distribution of TSP tended to the Southeast, West, and North according to the AERMOD model. Questionnaire results in the sampling areas show that there are still people who are not aware of the impact of TSP pollutants. The conclusion of this study is the presence of TSP pollutants on Tandes Highway, which is influenced by meteorological factors and traffic volume.</p> <p><span class="fontstyle0"> </span></p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Rizky Dwicahya, Okik Hendriyanto Cahyonugroho Kinerja Mesin Grate Cooler Tipe CFG Kapasitas 321 Ton/Jam Pada Proses Produksi Clinker Berdasarkan Efisiensi Thermal2024-07-02T00:29:22+07:00Muhammad Adib Arifin gadib2791@gmail.comRatna Dewi<p>This research aims to analyze the performance of a CFG type grid cooler in the clinker cooling process with a capacity of 321 tons per hour in the cement industry. The analysis focused on the thermal efficiency of the engine to identify potential operational efficiency improvements. Research methods include heat balance, mass balance measurements and evaluation of heat loss in the cooling process. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide guidance in optimizing the operation of grate cooling machines, improving the quality and energy efficiency of clinker produced in the cement industry.</p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Adib Arifin , Ratna Dewi Anjani Perencanaan PLTS Atap di Gedung H Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan2024-07-09T12:07:41+07:00Zharfan Asyrafzharfanasyraf13@gmail.comRahmaniar1@gmail.comErpandi<p>Solar Power Plants (PLTS) are one of the new and renewable energy generation systems (EBT) that are quite promising in the future. In this research, the analysis process for planning a PLTS system as a source of electrical energy in a building is presented. The planned PLTS system will be used to supply the power needs of building H. The power supply capacity is only 60% at the Panca Budi Development University in Medan, but in this case solar panels have been added. The results of the study showed that the PLTS is an off-grid type with the main component specifications needed to supply power to the building, namely 151 solar panels with a capacity of 100 WP, a 46,000 W inverter, and 80 12V 100 Ah Lithium-ion batteries.</p>2024-07-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zharfan Asyraf, Rahmaniar, Erpandi Dalimunthe Pengaruh Ketidakstabilan Debit Air Dan Curah Hujan Terhadap Daya Pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mini Hidro (PLTM) Karo Bumi Energi2024-07-11T15:33:49+07:00Eko Toni Hagler Simamoraekosimamora@gmail.comParlin<p>Mini hydro power plants (PLTM) are capable of producing electricity continuously for 24 hours. The amount of energy distributed by the Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTM) is greatly influenced by the strong flow of water coming from upstream, so the effect of rainfall is relatively direct on the electricity produced by the Karo Bumi Energi Mini Hydro Power Plant (PLTM) with a capacity of 2 x 4, 85 MW. From the observations, rainfall is a dry month, it can also be seen that rainfall, water discharge and production are directly proportional. In May, June and July there is a very significant difference between production and water discharge. According to observations, these months are wet months with very high rainfall. The resulting productivity of hydropower plants is influenced by the creation and release of stable water without aggravation. The higher the creation and release of water, the higher the efficiency of the power supplied. The impact of high rainfall will cause the water release to reach 11,653m3 / hour. </p>2024-07-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Eko Toni Hagler Simamora, Parlin Siagian, Rahmaniar A Wheeled Robot Prototype For Package Delivery2024-07-20T15:51:05+07:00Muhammad Agiv Izzatur Aqil Muhammad1@gmail.comNaofal<p>Autonomous delivery robots offer innovative solutions to modern logistics challenges. This research explores the integration of the latest technologies into delivery robots, including a machine learning based hand gesture recognition feature. The hand gesture recognition feature is used for robotic container security, ensuring that only the sender and recipient can open and access the contents of the container. This technology uses machine learning algorithms to accurately detect and interpret the user's hand gestures. This advanced security system provides an extra layer of protection against theft and unauthorised access. In addition, these delivery robots are designed to improve operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact, meeting society's need for fast and accurate delivery services. While offering many benefits, the implementation of this technology faces challenges in terms of community acceptance and operational safety. This study provides insights into how delivery robot technology can be effectively integrated into the global logistics system, shaping the future of more efficient, connected and secure delivery services.</p>2024-07-20T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Agiv Izzatur Firasyan, Faris Aqil Muhammad, Naofal Martfa Tempat Penyimpanan Sementara Limbah B3 Industri Penggilingan Baja Sidoarjo2024-05-08T09:16:08+07:00Rr Maulidya<p>Hazardous (B3) waste can have a negative impact on the environment. If B3 waste is not disposed of directly into the environment or transported by a third party, it may affect the health of the surrounding community and other living organisms. Furthermore, B3 waste has different properties, sources and characteristics from waste in general, being unstable, reactive, explosive, flammable and toxic. The main activities of PT. X's main activities are steel production, which is supported by sophisticated production equipment, machinery and human resources, but the storage area is from production, office and maintenance activities. The TPS criteria used by PT. X to determine the suitability of B3 waste with TPS that refers to the regulations and with the aim of this activity is to evaluate the temporary storage of B3 waste at PT. X.</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rr Maulidya Permana, Novirina Hendrasarie Data Mining Dalam Menentukan Pola Pembelian Obat Menggunakan Metode Apriori2024-05-29T09:50:02+07:00Lidya Yunizar1@gmail.comElma Fitria<p>The fierce competition in the pharmacy industry requires sellers to continue to improve their sales strategies to increase sales of medicines. The availability of different types of medicines that consumers need is one step in overcoming this. This research uses an a priori algorithm to determine drug purchasing patterns. By using a priori algorithms in pharmacies, a system can be created to determine drug purchasing patterns, which is useful in determining drug purchasing targets well and can improve sales strategies. The data studied are one year's retail and wholesale transaction data. The pattern of drug purchasing associations obtained with a minimum support of 5% and a minimum confidence of 60% produces 8 association rules. The association rule with the highest confidence of 96.1% is that if consumers buy pseudoephedrine 30 mg and amoxicillin trihydrate 500 mg, they will also buy paracetamol 500 mg. Drug types that meet the minimum support and minimum confidence are Pseudoephedrine 30mg, Amoxicillin Trihydrate 500mg, Mefenamic Acid 500mg, Prednisone Triman 5mg pot, Cetirizine Hcl 10mg, Cefadroxil Monohydrate 500mg and Paracetamol 500mg.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Lidya Rosnita, Zara Yunizar, Elma Fitria Ananda Eco Enzyme Sebagai Biokatalisator Proses Anaerob Untuk Mendegradasi Parameter TSS, Surfaktan, dan Fosfat2024-06-12T19:39:28+07:00Honest Suryo<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The pollution of rivers by domestic waste has become a serious problem affecting water quality. To address this problem, the use of ecoenzymes has been proposed as a solution for domestic waste treatment. In this study, different concentrations of ecoenzymes (10%, 20%, 25%) in the anaerobic process and retention time (2, 4, 6 days) were used to measure the degradation of organic parameters such as TSS (Total Suspended Solids), surfactants and phosphates. The results of the study indicate a significant reduction in TSS, surfactants and phosphates. The optimum concentration for TSS reduction was found to be 10%, while for surfactants and phosphates it was 25%. The optimum retention time for all parameters was found to be 6 days. These results provide an effective and economical solution for reducing river water pollution caused by domestic waste. It is hoped that the results of this study will provide another option for the treatment of domestic wastewater and the maintenance of river water quality.</span></p>2024-07-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Honest Lazuardi, Yayok Suryo Purnomo Kualitas Produk dengan Metode Six Sigma dan Kaizen2024-07-01T15:00:21+07:00Mochammad<p>The company has a strategy to ensure its survival and increase its competitiveness. PT. XYZ is a foreign company that operates in the industrial manufacturing aspect. The products manufactured are lamp cases, lamp holders, front grills, port rings, screw hole covers and air conditioning boxes. PT. XYZ also produces supporting components, one of which is cup buses. The problem in the research is that bus cup products often experience defective products with a percentage of 30% - 40%. This research aims to identify the causes of defects in bus cup products, determine the most dominant types of defects in bus cup products, and determine proposed corrective actions for bus cup products at PT. XYZ. The research will use Six Sigma and Kaizen methods. The research results show that there are 4 (four) types of Critical to Quality, namely Short Mold, Shink Mark, Warping and Black Dot, while the DPMO is 131,723 and produces a Sigma of 42.37. This study suggests improvements: the production manager checks every 1 hour, the operator continuously checks the materials and the injection machine. Control of work activities, regular maintenance of machines, care of raw materials and environmental conditions of the production area.</p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mochammad Basjir, Suhartini, Nur Robbi Study on Integrating Diesel and Solar Power Systems for Sustainable Energy Supply on Tello Island2024-07-08T14:54:10+07:00Ni Putu Diva Iswarani1@gmail.comAqiqah Amalia Nasir1@gmail.comRijal Hakiki1@gmail.comJoni Welman<p>Electricity problems encountered on a daily basis cannot be separated from the problem of high electricity prices and electricity shortages that still exist in several areas of Indonesia. This paper will analyse the renewable energy potential of Tello Island and the feasibility study of building a power plant, as well as the carbon offset that can be reduced by switching from fossil energy to renewable energy. The use of solar panels as a hybridisation of a diesel power plant will reduce the use of fossil fuels. Based on the economic analysis of the PLTS on Tello Island, it can be concluded that the initial investment cost for the design of the PLTS system on Tello Island was IDR 2,467,599,996. With an NPV of IDR 416,062,532 (>0), a B-CR of 1.17 (>1), a PBP of 1.45 (< investment period), which is 1 year and 5 months, and an IRR of 26%, it shows that the investment in solar power plants to be designed in the Tello Island building is feasible. Based on the automatic screening carried out on, the electricity generated in one area only requires effort documents Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring Effort (UKL & UPL), do not require AMDAL because the solar power plants built include low voltage. If it is assumed that the diesel power plants on Tello Island consume 60% of the electricity, the CO2 eq produced is reduced to 600 CO2 eq for the production of 750 kWh.</p>2024-07-08T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Putu Diva Iswarani, Aqiqah Amalia Nasir, Rijal Hakiki, Joni Welman Simatupang Peningkatan Reduksi Sampah Melalui Bank Sampah dengan Pendekatan Structural Equation Modelling (Studi Kasus : Bank Sampah Kecamatan Indihiang)2024-07-10T21:33:40+07:00Rezia Asmiati Syifa1@gmail.comIDAA<p>Waste generation in Tasikmalaya City reached 323,156 kg/day. Waste bank is a programme as an effort that can be done to reduce waste generation. Tasikmalaya has 74 waste bank units, 4 of which are in Indihiang district. According to the Environmental Department, the waste generation in Indihiang District is 25,664 kg/day. It's not yet known for sure how much waste reduction potential this programme has. Therefore, structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to analyse it. SEM is a method for processing data from questionnaires to determine the influence of the community's role in reducing waste through waste banks. The data results from the SEM method are processed using SmartPLS. The results show that the waste reduction potential through waste banks in Indihiang is currently 0.15%, but it can still be increased to 15% by increasing the number of waste bank customers. According to the SEM-PLS result, there is a significant influence between people's knowledge and behaviour on waste reduction, but in the aspect of people's attitude, the attitude of non-customers does not have a significant influence on waste reduction.</p>2024-07-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rezia Asmiati Syifa, IDAA Warmadewanthi Sampah Organik Menggunakan Black Soldier Fly (BSF) di Pasar Ikan Modern Muara Baru, Jakarta Utara2024-07-14T10:41:29+07:00Pramiati Pito Fritz<p>The problem of waste is still the main topic of discussion. One of the sources of waste in the city is the market. The waste produced is in the form of organic waste and inorganic waste that has not yet been processed or recycled. Muara Baru Modern Fish Market is one of the fish markets as the largest fish auction centre in Penjaringan District, North Jakarta. This research aims to determine the amount of waste generated, the composition of the waste, and the protein content produced through several research variations. The research variations were determined based on the composition of organic waste combined with the amount of feed given to Black Soldier Fly (BSF). The volume of waste produced was 1045 kg/day from both wet and dry house sources. The composition of the waste sampled included organic waste consisting of food waste, food losses and fish waste up to 50.45%, while inorganic waste consisting of various types of plastic and paper was up to 49.55%. The potential for recyclable waste is 98.5%. The protein content obtained from the processing of organic waste using BSF in all research variants met the SNI quality requirements, the highest protein content being 31.8% in the 100% food waste research variant.</p>2024-07-14T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pramiati Purwaningrum, Ratnaningsih, Petrus Pito Fritz Kleden